Police Search For Seven Males Involved In Beating A 14-Year-Old On Subway And Filming It
New York police are searching for seven young men involved in beating a 14-year-old boy in a Brooklyn subway station.
The New York Police Department (NYPD) is asking the public to help identify the individuals who participated in the March 14 attack which they filmed and uploaded to social media, according to a police statement shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The six attackers can be seen punching and kicking the teen victim while a seventh man filmed the event in selfie mode and flashed a symbol with his hand, according to a video shared by the NYPD.
The attackers’ faces were obscured in the video, but four of them were captured clearly in other images shared by the NYPD.
The 14-year-old victim, who was not publicly identified, suffered swelling and bruising, and he sought medical treatment after the attack, according to the NYPD.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams launched a new safety program to reduce violent crime in the subway system after a string of violent attacks. The program, which began Feb. 18, involves increased police patrols in “high-priority” areas and the removal of mentally ill and homeless inhabitants of the city’s public transportation system.
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