Citrus County Florida
I see & feel a rising in America, Americans realizing the importance of becoming involved in local politics. Today I contemplate one area of America, Citrus County Florida where the involvement is reassuring.
Reassuring in the knowledge that Americans are fulfilling their Duty as citizens of this Republic. Once again, I am forced to accept the wisdom of our Founders. For the first time in the history of this planet, people got together & created a form of govt where “We the People,” rule. However, one duty for maintaining that is the responsibility of each citizen to assure their govt is living up to that “mandate.”
I see that actively in Citrus County & it is a healthy feeling. Citizens asking questions, researching, engaging in informative sharing of info to other Floridians. Floridians who believe in a constitutionally strong & fiscally responsible local & state govt. These Floridians realize the foundation of our freedoms relies on a strong local & state govt. The mandate of States Rights is at the core of America & one which is extremely difficult to restrict when that state has an active citizenry.
I think of our Gov Ron DeSantis & of all that is going on in America & I can only arrive at one conclusion. We Floridians have the Gov we have because WE have a lot of work to do to earn that title of “Patriot,” & the Gov has given us the freedom & safety to carry out our duties as Americans. This time in our history could not be by chance, we have the God-given rights to assure we will forever have them in America.
I urge all counties in Florida to be active as Citrus County, & I know some are but we need more, be active, show govt “We the People,” rule this Republic & it starts here. All we want is a govt of American Patriots to preserve this Republic.
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