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Jews Under Attack in New York City

We all know about the violence against the Jews in the middle east, but that violence has spilled over here into the United States and other parts of the world. A new video shows Jews being beaten, assaulted, and attacked here in places like New York City.

A video posted on Twitter shows Jews being attacked by people carrying a Palestinian flag. A law enforcement officer gave chase in this video, but in other cases, law enforcement was not readily available.

Joseph Borgen was attacked in Times Square earlier this week. Video shows him being beaten by a violent mob, one of those same protest groups that the radical left wants to claim are “peaceful.” This is anything other than peaceful.

In speaking to the Fox affiliate in New York, Borgen said he was afraid due to the violence and did not want to leave his home for fear of being recognized as a Jew. Remember when the radical left said that this is what the black and brown communities feared? They claimed to fight for equality, but that is only if you are supportive of their initiatives.

The radical left has pushed to abandon the Jews amid the crisis and the violence. Radical Reps like AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley cheer on this anti-Semitism as they hate the Jews and want nothing more than to destroy the nation of Israel. All while they claim that the radical left is a group that appreciates and accepts minorities and will fight to protect them.

Instead, they show their true colors, only fighting to protect those that benefit them. It’s the same line from Democrats each and every time. They will use special interest groups to help push their narrative and accomplish their goals. They are not interested in equality, they are only interested in destroying the United States and freedom as we know it.

Content syndicated from TheLibertyLoft.com with permission.

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