SpaceX Successfully Launches and Lands Starship SN15
Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched and landed Starship Serial Number 15 (SN15).
SN15 launched at about 5:22 p.m. CDT and landed just 9 minutes later.
Launch conditions were cloudy so there was limited ground visibility. SpaceX had onboard cameras that provide an exhilarating view of the flight, but those the feed experienced issues as well.

The launch, flight, descent went to plan, but after landing, a large fire was visible coming from the bottom of the spacecraft and water cannons were directed towards the base of the rocket.

SN10 has also successfully landed, but 8 minutes later exploded.
If SN15 remains intact on the pad, it will be the first Starship to complete the entire high-altitude flight program without a catastrophic rapid unintended disassembly (CRUD).
SpaceX has closer cameras during launch and landing, but Everyday Astronaut has more pre and post-flight coverage.
Everyday Astronaut
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