The Best American Flags for 2021
You shouldn’t be ashamed to be proud of your flag, but you shouldn’t settle for just any flag either. After all, if the flag is a symbol of American values, it should be crafted in a way that reflects those values. But shopping conscientiously doesn’t have to mean spending more. Here’s the things you should look for when seeking out the best American flags for 2021.
Made in America
There are few things more ironic than an American flag stamped with the words “Made in China”. Look for brands that bear the “Made in America” label if you really want an American flag that you can fly with confidence.
But keep in mind that there are degrees to “made in America”. An investment in a flag should be an investment in the country, and you should be proud to dig a little deeper. Consider not just where it’s made but also where the materials are sourced and what supply lines are used.
If you really want your purchase to reflect your patriotism, look for brands that are parts of the communities they live in and use American labor for everything from construction to customer service. Properly buying American-made can take some extra effort, but any patriot will understand that it’s worth it.
Held to Higher Standards
American-made used to stand for something, but that’s not always the case anymore. It’s more important than ever that you scrutinize a flagmaker’s quality before you decide to make a purchase. Fabrics should be durable but lightweight. Silicons like nylon are the most sensible choice, but look for higher denier numbers if quality is a priority for you.
As a general rule of thumb, a good flag manufacturer can tell you their process and make it sound like a narrative. Their process and their legacy can tell you a lot about their values, and it can help you better compare them to the competition.
But perhaps the most valuable tool for judging a manufacturer’s standards are their reviews. Don’t be afraid to look around and see what other people are saying about your prospective American flag manufacturer.
In-House Technologies
A flag is more than just a long scrap of fabric, and you might be surprised at how many small design changes go into determining how durable and useful a flag will be. From double-stitching to grommet design, it’s okay to peek a little deeper and see what kind of American innovation is being applied to a brand’s flags.
Just be careful not to get wound up too much on the hype. While mold-resistant grommets and other fancy but low-tech choices can certainly make a flag more appealing, it’s not a replacement for a skilled seamstress and a workshop filled with quality materials.
If something goes wrong, someone should be willing to step up to bat and resolve the issue. When you buy your flag through a large corporation, you can expect to be insulated from the higher chains of command when you call in with an issue.
That isn’t always the case. Look closely for flag manufacturers that strip out that chain of command. Know who’s owning the company and the values that they support.
Conscientious shopping is becoming more and more popular, and it should definitely be a consideration when shopping for a flag. Flying a flag lets you show your pride in your country, but picking a flag that’s by and for Americans is the best way to really demonstrate your patriotism.
Finding the best American flags is ultimately just about finding a brand that’s willing to work as hard as you are.