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Why your Next Property Investment should be in the Caribbean?

The real estate market is undoubtedly one of the best investments and capitalizations that you can make in these times, since there will always be someone looking for a property for rent, or better yet, if the location is strategic and the capital gain in the area It is increasing, there will never be a lack of someone who can buy your property.

Acquiring a property does not only mean an increase in equity, but also a higher profitability at the time of leasing or selling it. For that, there are certain benefits for owners or investors who want to access the purchase of this in Caribbean real estate.

Currently more people are agreeing to the purchase of an apartment, either because of the drop-in mortgage rates, or because of the profits that the profitability of savings and investments provides.

On the other hand, there are certain financial instruments to invest the funds, such as fixed-term bank accounts that can be obtained but with much less return. That is why more and more owners and investors choose to buy properties and then lease them.

For that, the platform for buying and selling apartments provides the main benefits of opting for a property as a form of investment:

Recurring Income

At the time of leasing the property, you can have the confidence of income on a monthly basis based on the value of the lease to pay for the mortgage loan.

Warranty to Make Repairs

You can consider the lease security to be able to make repairs, once the tenant leaves. Also, you have to look at the conditions of the contract and the initial inventory.

Recover the Investment

By opting for a mortgage loan of 80-90% of the total value, you will be able to obtain a home whose dividend will be paid with the amount of the rent. Due to this reason, you will be able to recover the initial investment and in a period of 20 to 25 years you will be earning the monthly rental of the property you bought, or you will be able to continue investing in more properties by multiplying the process of your income, gaining the financial freedom that so much you want.

Purchase of Apartment with Tenant

One of the hardest parts is finding a tenant who will take care of the property as if it were his own. One of the benefits of acquiring a property with a tenant included is that it allows you to see the current state of the property while these people live there, and it can be the best evidence that they really meet, or not, this parameter.

Earn Money and Time for you

One of the reasons why it is convenient to invest in apartments with a company responsible for managing your property is that you do not waste time managing said property and you can dedicate yourself to other activities that contribute to generating more income or simply enjoy free time with the ones you love the most.

Complement Retirement

One of the options you can have to complement and improve your retirement in the future is to invest in a property. This will give you the financial freedom that you want so much, and you will be able to travel and indulge yourself, which, with the current retirement from the AFPs, you probably won’t be able to.

These are the most important benefits when investing in properties, with which you will be able to assure your family with an inheritable heritage, you will be able to improve your income and of course, you will have great peace of mind because you will be able to supplement your retirement.

Heritable Heritage for the Family

Thinking about the family and especially about the children, is a priority for real estate investors. One of the benefits of investing in properties is that those homes you buy will generate permanent flow income that is inheritable for your children, ensuring their life financially. In this way you will have the peace of mind that your family will enjoy a consolidated economic base.

In addition, through the platform you can view a useful guide with all the necessary information before investing in a property.

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