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Watch: White House Press Briefing with Jen Psaki and Jake Sullivan – 2/4/21

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and National Security Advisor Jake Sillivan hold a briefing Thursday. The briefing is expected to focus on the Biden administration’s foreign policy and America’s relationship with its allies.

President Biden has yet to speak with the Prime Minister of Israel.

During the Briefing


Jake Sullivan dishonestly said that “unlike the previous administration” the Biden administration will take actions against Russia for its malign activities. So far, the Biden administration has taken zero actions while the previous administration took serious diplomatic and economic actions against Russia in response to cyber warfare attacks and the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Sullivan’s obvious inaccurate statement went unchallenged by members of the press.

Sullivan said that Biden will end material support for allies against the insurrectionists in Yemen likely angering Saudi Arabia and the UAE – key allies in the Trump administration’s progress towards peace in the Middle East.


“The president is certainly committed to uh, looking for ways to, uh, ensure more refugees are, uh, welcomed to the United States, ” Psaki said.

Paraphrasing a long response by Psaki: the President does not see aid to the Airlines as a priority despite announcements of impending layoffs of more than 27,000 employees due to the pandemic, but maybe Congress will do something anyway.

Fox News’ Kristen Fisher asked if the Biden administration intended to open schools now that the head of the CDC said it was safe to do so even before teachers are vaccinated. Psaki said that the president was waiting on final guidance from the CDC before saying anything of substance on school reopening.

When asked if President Biden has used the Defense Production Act to enhance vaccine supply, Psaki indicated that while Biden has invoked DPA, it hasn’t yet been used to increase production of anything in the vaccine supply chain. Psaki thought that they may have an update later on how they plan to use the DPA.

The Biden administration’s “climate team” is evaluating permits for several pipeline projects possibly including one in Michigan and another into Alaska. Notable that a climate-centered team, not an economic, national security, or jobs team is conducting the review.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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