ReligionWhite House Watch

Trump Has Made A ‘Positive Contribution To The Christian Cause,’ Cardinal Pell Says

Cardinal George Pell said President Donald Trump has made a positive contribution to the Christian cause through Supreme Court appointments and pro-life issues.

Australian Cardinal George Pell made the comments praising President Donald Trump during a press conference Wednesday on his book “Prison Journal: Volume 1” in which he recollects his time in an Australian prison. In April, the Roman Catholic cardinal was completely acquitted of sexual abuse charges, which he had been sentenced to six years for in 2019, The New York Times reported.

“I think [Trump’s] made some splendid appointments to the Supreme Court,” Pell said.

“He was a little bit unusual because he kept many of his promises,” the cardinal continued. “He brought some of the troops home, he didn’t enter into any wars, the economy kept rolling along.”

Pell also commended Trump for attending the March for Life in January. Trump became the first sitting president to attend the March for Life, which has taken place in Washington D.C. every year since 1974, according to NBC News.

“All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God,” Trump said according to The White House. “Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life.”

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who is a practicing Catholic, was confirmed to the Supreme Court in October. Trump previously appointed Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the court in 2017 and 2018 respectively.

“So on the whole, I think Trump has made a positive contribution to the Christian cause,” Pell said.

While he praised much of Trump’s record and impact, Pell added that Trump could’ve been more respectful of the “political process.”

“It’s important that people believe they’re getting a fair go,” Pell said. “It’s no small thing to weaken trust in great public institutions.”

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  1. From a well-respected blogger priest:

    “As usual today, since Election Day, after Mass I recited Ch. 3 of Title XI in the Rituale Romanum, the Exorcism Against Satan and the Fallen Angels.

    “It is a mighty prayer.

    “I have the authority from the bishop and also, at his request, I say it for the whole diocese.

    “However, I have also been asking God to aim this powerful exorcism at all places and all equipment involved in the counting or recounting or canvassing or auditing of votes in the 2020 election. I ask God to drive away demonic influence from all the people involved. I ask the Queen of Angels to bid myriads and myriads of angels to protect all the people involved from temptations from the Enemy to lie or cheat. I ask the angels to prompt anyone who did lie or cheat in the counting of votes to repent and to come forward and admit what they did.

    “I ask all this for the common good. WE WANT THE TRUTH. We have to be able to have confidence in our elections. If we don’t have elections we can depend on, there hardly remains any means for us to secure our God given freedoms and maintain the common good. The alternatives are dreadful to contemplate.

    “Therefore, I do what I can do as a priest. I use the tools only priests can use. That means saying Masses for certain intentions, praying the Rosary for certain intentions, reciting Ch. 3 of Title XI….

    “… Why do this every day? Why, if the prayer is so great, does it have to be repeated? Because the Enemy is very good at being an Enemy. The attachments the Enemy makes are strong. Sometimes exorcisms for cases of oppressions or possessions can take years. So, I repeat the exorcism fully everyday, for the diocese and, right now, for the intention of election integrity and the emergence of the TRUTH about what happened on Election Day.

    “Moreover, I pray that, because Catholic Joe Biden surely knows what happened with voting, I ask his Guardian Angel to protect him from demonic influence and to prompt him to admit publicly that there was voting fraud and, because he knew about it ahead of time, which he surely did, then – for the sake of his immortal soul – also to concede the election for the sake of the TRUTH and the common good. If he has any scrap of decency, he must do this for our nation as well as for his own self-interest.

    “At 78 years old Biden is closing in on the end of his life and he will have to account for what he has done before the Just Judge. To have participated in such a horrible lie is surely a mortal sin. And because it is such a public matter, causing untold public harm, there must be public redress. After conceding the election, because his “win” was a manifest lie, he should put his remaining influence to work to cooperate in the creation of a clean and secure method for voting.

    “For the sake of his immortal soul and for the good of the nation, please – all you angels and saints – intercede with God. Please – Holy Spirit of truth give prevenient grace and illumination and drive far away the attacks of Hell.”

    Here is the video of the Exorcism after a recent Mass:

    (54) 4 December 2020 – Exorcism Against Satan and Fallen Angels for the sake of Election Integrity – YouTube

    Please share this post!

    Link to Fr. Z’s blog:

    Fr. Z’s Blog | Formerly entitled: “What Does The Prayer Really Say?” – Clear, straight commentary on Catholic issues, liturgy and life by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf o{]:¬) (

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