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California Releases Convicted Child Murderer, Despite ICE Detainer

LOS ANGELES — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged an immigration detainer on a Salvadoran national serving time for a murder conviction at the California Department of Corrections at Pleasant Valley Prison in Chowchilla, California, Aug. 28, 2013. The request was not honored, and Carlos Morales-Ramirez was released onto the streets Dec. 4.

On Jan. 9, 1998, Morales-Ramirez, now 44, was convicted of second-degree murder, assault on a child causing death, and great bodily injury to a child causing death by the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.

“State sanctuary laws grant law enforcement officials the discretion to cooperate with immigration authorities in instances where serious or violent crimes have been committed; again, we are talking about the murder of a child – rather than working with our officers to ensure this convicted aggravated felon was safely handed over to ICE, he was released back into the community and our officers were forced to exhaust more time and resources relocating and re-arresting him,” said ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Los Angeles Field Office Director Dave Marin.

ICE’s ERO Los Angeles officers arrested Morales-Ramirez during a targeted enforcement action, Dec. 10, and served him with a Notice to Appear (NTA) pursuant to section 237(a)(2)(A)(iii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Morales-Ramirez’s conviction makes him amenable to be placed in removal proceedings and he remains in ICE custody pending the outcome of his hearing.

“California’s sanctuary policies continue to fail residents by allowing convicted criminals like Morales-Ramirez to walk free – state officials and advocates need to take a hard look at the reality, and potential consequences, of these misguided laws that leave potential victims wildly unprotected from very egregious criminal offenders,” Marin said.

ICE lodges immigration detainers on individuals who have been arrested on local criminal charges and who are amenable to removal, so that the agency can take custody of that individual when they released from local custody within secure confines. When local law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders onto the streets, it undermines ICE’s ability to protect public safety and carry out its national security mission.

In FY 2019, ICE arrested individuals with more than 1,900 convictions and charges for homicide, 1,800 for kidnapping, 12,000 sex offenses, 5,000 sexual assaults, 45,000 assaults, 67,000 crimes involving drugs, 10,000 weapons offenses, and 74,000 DUIs.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Among the most egregious issues facing the U.S. is the arbitrariness and unfairness in local sanctuary policies and laws. this story cites a perfect example of what I am saying. An immigrant from Honduras, who was convicted in the death of a child was on the verge of being transferred to federal custody when local sanctuary law enforcement suddenly released him into the community. Thankfully, ICE eventually caught up to the felon and re-arrested him.

    Who believes this is a rational policy? Why has it been ignored throughout the U.S.?

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