Review of Trump’s Tweet Applications
Are you interested in hearing what Trump has to say without Twitter censoring the content for you, as if you were a small child? Does big tech’s censoring of even the President of the United States sometime make you so frustrated that you want to check out from the political tensions and chill out with taking advantage of an Intertops casino bonus? Understandable….
If you are like me, and don’t want other people doing your thinking for you (I can do my own censoring, thank you), then check out one of these Trump Twitter Feed apps. Each of them generally provides the same major functionality: providing Trump’s tweets to you without the Twitter censoring. We are all big boys and girls. We can handle anything that our President says, and if it really does bother us, we will just vote for Biden (or whoever is actually the ‘real candidate’). That is the way the US system was designed, isn’t it?
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press (including Blogging, Social Media, and Tweets), and Freedom to Assemble (what is with the whole “you can assemble to protest, but you can’t assemble to pray?”)
There are 8 apps that I could find on Google Play deal with Trump’s Tweets.
Trump Tweets by SlickMobile
- Read every tweet, including deleted tweets.
- Do not need a Twitter account
- Push notifications
- Night mode
- Updates every 5 minutes.
- Last updated September 10, 2020
- Contains Ads
Tested this app:
- In-app purchases
- Data tracking instead of buying the app. Requires permission, check box, if you are 16 or above. How do they confirm that? (Setting you can change at any time)
- Can opt-out, but the ads are general, not personal. What is personal?
- Images and videos are shown
- The setting for push notifications
- The setting for night mode
- Remove ads if you buy for $.99
- No search abilities
- No ability to view by date or date range.
Trump Tweets (Free) by Alan Camargo
- Do not need Twitter Account
- See all of Trump’s tweets.
- Last updated May 9, 2020
- Contains ads
- Images are just links.
- Videos are just a black screen.
- When no comments are included, you have no idea what the image or the video is about.
- Has a search, but it does not work. Refreshes and then the search results are lost.
Trump’s Tweet Tracker by Kevin Tesar
- Do not need the main Twitter application
- if you own a Twitter account, you can see your own feed from this app.
- Optional push notifications
- Last updated September 10, 2020
- No ads
- Shows video and picture images
- Allow searching by keywords
- Setting to receive notifications.
- No option to buy to remove ads.
Trump’s Tweets by BrandonLee Developer
- No twitter account needed
- Last updated on May 14, 2018. (don’t know if that means that it does not work with deleted posts, because that is an issue that has been happening more recently)
- No ads
Tested this app:
I did try out Trump’s Tweets by BrandonLee Developer because they were ad-free and not paid. Trump is our President, if I am going to pay for ads, I would either only give that money to Trump’s campaign or just watch Trump ads.
Videos are shown as a link, so I have no idea if these random links with weird-looking characters (tiny links) are videos or spam. I am assuming they are videos, but with no descriptive text attached to them, things are too unclear for my taste. uninstalling this app. Too bad, I was hoping that it would be a good simple application.
Trump Tweets by Alan Camargo
- No ads. Paid app of $.99
- All of Trump’s tweets, including deleted ones.
- No twitter account required
- Last updated May 9, 2020
- Tagged by Google as “Parental Guidance” (what does that mean?)
Trump Tweets by RBFlex
- Last updated May 29, 2018
- Contains ads
Donald Trump Tweets
- Last updated August 19, 2017
- Tagged by Google as “Parental Guidance” (what does that mean?)
Trump Tweets+ by Idea Apps
- Trump’s Tweets
- No Twitter Account needed
- Has social media for people to comment with each other outside of twitter.
- Has an angry Trump cartoon as app icon, so probably owned by a non-Trump fan.
- Tagged by Google as “Parental Guidance” (what does that mean?)
Winner: Trump’s Tweets Eight Again (Chrome Extension)
This one actually runs on Twitter, but it changes everything that Trump tweets into a crayon looking font. So awesome. Other posts or retweets stay a regular font. Only’s Trump’s actually original Tweets are in the crayon font.
But since it runs as a Chrome extension, you still have to deal with Twitter censoring Trump’s tweets.
I did not take the time to install each of these apps and try them out (except for Trump’s Tweets Eight Again extension). It just sounded too cool to NOT try it out — even if you are a Trump fan.
I did end up trying out a few of the apps. The one feature that seems to be missing from all of them is the ability to search by date or date range.
If it does not have a search by keyword, don’t bother with the app. Plus, make sure that the app does not automatically refresh after 30 seconds and you lose your search results. I really hate apps and websites that constantly refresh and you lose your place. What was the designer thinking?
Actually seeing an image and an image of the video is also important, especially since Trump does not always include text when he reposts a video or image. He lets the video or image speak for itself.
Finally, my own personal pet peeve is that prefer an app that provides the option to buy the app to get rid of the ads. I understand that nobody wants to work for free, and ads provide a way to support the developer. But If I like the app and I don’t want to deal with the ads, I should have that option. But again, that is my own personal pet peeve.
Trump’s Tweets are open to the public, so anybody should be able to read what Trump writes. The only reason this is an issue is that Twitter believes that the American public is just too sensitive (or stupid) to be able to read Trump’s Tweets uncensored as an adult (age 13 and above — high school and above).
But then with that standard, watching the nightly news is 13+. Rape, violence, murder, thievery, looting, lying, misinformation, do I need to go on? Unless a news site is specifically designed for kids, every news site is 13+. Adults talk about adult topics. That is just life. If you only want to read child appropriate news, then you read Scholastic News.