Mike Lindell At Trump Minn. Rally
Mike Lindell of My Pillow fame and CEO of My Pillow spoke at Trump’s rally in Minn. on Wednesday night. Mike hails from Minn. and his company is based in Minn. and he is good friends with President Trump.
Mike has a very interesting story to him. He was a former crack addict who overcame his addiction and became a born again Christian and CEO of one of the largest companies in the country. Today he helps other crack addicts get over their addiction and make something of themselves while still running his extremely successful and ever-expanding My Pillow company. When Trump had various CEO’s from medical supply companies at the white house during the Pandemic to discuss needs and distribution, Mike was one of the CEO’s invited. Mike pledged to have 35% of his company devoted to making masks, gowns, and sheets for hospitals around the country.
At Wednesday’s rally, Mike came out and said he had prepared a speech to read, but said “I’m going to be like the president and instead of reading my speech I’m just going to be off the cuff.” Mike told how when he first started his company it hadn’t taken off yet and he was thinking of new ways to promote it. He was on a plane from Minn. to Calif. and was reading a Trump magazine. He said he needed a miracle to get his company going. Just then he got a phone call from Trump and he was floored. He said Trump said to him,”Mike I’ve been seeing ads for your company. Can you see me in New York?” Mike said he was flabbergasted and told him he would be there as soon as he can. Mike said, “Boy, talk about needing a miracle.” He said he met with Trump and they discussed ways to promote his company and it has taken off ever since with hard work involved.” He told everyone you can be what you want to be in this country if you are willing to put in the hours and work hard for your dreams, The audience cheered and applauded.
Mike has an autobiography out about him called “From Crack Addict to CEO.