Editorial Cartoons

Flynn Frame Job – Tina Toon

The Frame Job

It is obvious that General Flynn was set up and framed in order to remove him from the Trump administration and start the Russian collusion ball rolling.

The government has asked that the Flynn case be thrown out because of the massive corruption of the Obama Administration’s efforts to frame and indict the war hero.

Comey’s FBI and Obama’s Deep State set up the frame job of General Flynn. And today Judge Emmet Sullivan, an Obama appointee, continues to stall the legal system in order to humiliate General Flynn and President Trump.

It is clear to all Comey’s FBI was lying to the American public and knew there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The FBI tried to remove General Flynn’s security clearance. By doing this they could hinder the incoming President.

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At today’s hearing, top DOJ attorney Deputy Assistant Attorney General Hashim Mooppan will appear at the hearing today.

AG Barr is loaded for bear.

Keep General Flynn in your prayers!


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