Addition to “Since when did it become unamerican to be patriotic?
Hello, if at all possible, could you please add the following bolded line after the paragraph shown? Thank you, I appreciate it.
To all of America’s veterans, I salute you, thank you so much for your service, God bless each and every one of you.
Kneeling during the National Anthem is unpatriotic, and so is saying that a shoe displaying a flag from our heritage is “offensive.”
Supporting policies that are self-destructive to the people of this great nation, well that is also unpatriotic. If you are a patriot, you are not for one minute going to support policies, laws etc., that are destructive and harmful to our own nation. Neither are you going to disrespect our military and the many veterans that have served and even given their own lives to ensure we have the freedoms that we do.