The White House Daily Chronicle, May 5, 2018
The news behind the news on the president, administration and everything that happens in the White House is always in … The White House Daily Chronicles.
note: this post is updated throughout the day as events warrant
See all of the daily White House Daily Chronicles HERE.
Presidential Itinerary – the details
President Donald Trump will attend two roundtables and a luncheon with supporters in Cleveland, Ohio.
An RNC official passes the following information along about the president’s fundraisers in Cleveland:
- Today’s event is a fundraising luncheon with and in support of Trump Victory
- It has raised $3 million, and there will be around 250 attendees
- While at the event, President Trump will participate in a roundtable, photo opp, and give remarks at the lunch.
See all of the president’s daily schedules HERE.
Trump’s Tweets (newest to oldest)
Thank you Cleveland, Ohio!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2018
Official Statements
On China’s Political Correctness
President Donald J. Trump ran against political correctness in the United States. He will stand up for Americans resisting efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to impose Chinese political correctness on American companies and citizens.
On April 25, the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration sent a letter to 36 foreign air carriers, including a number of American carriers. This notice demanded that carriers change how Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao are identified on their websites and in their promotional material so that the references fall in line with the Communist Partys standards.
This is Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies.
Chinas internal Internet repression is world-famous. Chinas efforts to export its censorship and political correctness to Americans and the rest of the free world will be resisted.
The United States respects the broad freedom private companies have in their interactions with their customers, both in the United States and abroad. This respect is essential for a robust global marketplace.
The United States strongly objects to Chinas attempts to compel private firms to use specific language of a political nature in their publicly available content.
We call on China to stop threatening and coercing American carriers and citizens.
Presidential Message on Cinco de Mayo
On Cinco de Mayo, Americans gather with friends and family to commemorate the history of the Mexican people and the anniversary of the Battle of Puebla.
On May 5, 1862, Mexican forces, under the command of General Ignacio Zaragoza, bravely repelled the invading army of Napoleon III at the town of Puebla de Los Angeles. Though they were outnumbered and facing one of the strongest militaries in the world, the determined Mexican soldiers overcame the French force and proved their place in history as valiant defenders of Mexico’s liberty and right to self-government.
On this anniversary, we remember the courage of the warriors who won the Battle of Puebla and the legacy they have passed down through the generations. Today, we honor the heritage of our neighbors to the south, and we celebrate the significant contributions of Mexican Americans to the United States.
Melania joins me in sending our best wishes for an enjoyable day. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Executive Actions
Approves Indiana Disaster Declaration
The Presidents action makes Federal funding available to affected individuals in the counties of Carroll, Clark, Elkhart, Floyd, Harrison, Jefferson, Lake, Marshall, and St. Joseph.
Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster.
Executive Branch Nominations/Designations
- none
Communications with Heads of State and State Officials (readouts often come the day after the conversation)
Call with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom
President Donald J. Trump spoke today with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom. The two leaders discussed the promotion of fair and reciprocal trade, particularly with regard to China. As planning continues for his upcoming meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, President Trump emphasized his goal of a denuclearized North Korea. He also underscored his commitment to ensure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon. Both leaders reiterated they are looking forward to the Presidents visit to the United Kingdom in July.