House Democrats Lie About Mueller Investigation In Fundraising Emails
by Peter Hasson
Congressional Democrats are now lying to their supporters about the Russia investigation in an effort to pump up their fundraising efforts ahead of the midterm elections.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) sent out a pair of fundraising emails on Monday that claimed if they got enough signatures, President Donald Trump would be “forced” to interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.
“If we can gather 1,000,000 signatures, it will FORCE Trump to cooperate with the investigation once and for all,” read one email. (That’s false.)
“We need to gather 1 MILLION signatures for Robert Mueller to FORCE Trump to testify,” read another email. “We’re the only ones left who can help Robert Mueller.” (Also false.)
“Democrats can’t claim a moral high ground on telling the truth when their congressional campaign arm is often lying,” commented BuzzFeed reporter Dominic Holden, who first pointed out the misleading emails.
“If Democrats care so much about ‘the truth,’ they should practice it in their emails,” he added.
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