Avengers:Infinity Wars
Avengers: Infinity Wars is a superhero fans dream come true with every Marvel superhero joining together from Iron Man, The Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, Thor and Dr. Strange all joining forces to fight one mean, gigantic bad guy named Thanos who is out to destroy the universe or at least thin it out with its’ overpopulation.
Earth is being threatened by a massive malign hunk with a huge ridgey chin called Thanos, played by Josh Brolin. If he can gain ownership of all the talismanic infinity stones and place them in the holes in his custom-built gauntlet then he will have the ultimate power to destroy anything he wishes in the universe. And he has a chilling wish for the mass slaughter of half the sentient beings in existence, ostensibly so that the other half will have enough food to eat – but really so they will bow down to him as the tyrant lord.
When I first saw the trailers for Avengers Infinity Wars I thought it would be a rousing uplifting and fun movie. It is, but it also is very serious with a somber grim ending. There are tons of battles between our heroes among themselves deciding whose side each is on as well as confronting Thanos. One moment it’s tragic, the next, it’s cracking wise. It’s absurd and yet persuades you of its overwhelming seriousness. And there are some amazing Saturday-morning-kids-show moments when you feel like cheering.
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) is nettled by Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and his supercilious air of intellectual superiority – and vice versa. Spider-Man (Tom Holland) shows up and annoys the hell out of them both with his millennial’s flair for pop culture references.
It’s quite humorous watching Dr. Bruce Banner /The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) trying to morph into the Hulk so he can join the battle, but just can’t do it because he has Hulk issues so Tony Stark, (Ironman) makes him a giant iron Hulk Machine he can substitute for not morphing into the Hulk.
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) finds himself having to do a ride-along with the Guardians of the Galaxy and Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) is intimidated by Thor’s godlike machismo and finds himself trying to do the basso profundo voice which is quite humorous
The ending is quite grim and suprising. A lot of superheroes die, perhaps including some of your favorites. The bad guy not only wins, but triumphs in a way that brings despair rather than sequel-setting rage or defiance. The end says Thanos will return. There are plans for future films featuring these heroes so I’m guessing they will be in the form of prequels
Avengers : Infinity Wars is a great movie, the CGI special effects are astounding and the characters are interesting to see interacting with one another they normally wouldn’t be within their other movies. The battle scenes are a bit gory and tend to be too many at once as there are different heroes fighting in different locations as they keep switching back and forth to so it gets confusing after a while. Because of the violence and grim ending, I wouldn’t recommend it for children under 13 years of age.
Check out the exciting trailer from the movie here.