Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said at a press conference Friday that no American was “a knowing participant” in the Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election, as detailed in the DOJ’s Friday indictment of 13 Russian nationals.
Rosenstein said, “There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American had any knowledge. And the nature of the scheme was the kept defendants took extraordinary steps to make it appear that they were ordinary American political activists, even going so far as to base their activities on a virtual private network here in the United States so if anybody traced it back to the first jump, they appeared to be Americans. There is no allegation in the indictment of any effect on the outcome of the election, he also said.
The 37-page indictment said Russians stole American identities to get pay pal accounts to buy social media ads to fund their operation. They spread false information about many candidates in the election. After the election Russians organized both pro and anti-Trump rallies to worsen division in the U.S. and the media and democrats all went along for the ride. They didn’t care about the truth they just cared about getting Trump.
Trump, who was briefed on the indictments, was “glad to see the Special Counsel’s investigation further indicates – that there was NO COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and Russia and that the outcome of the election was not changed or affected,” the White House said in a statement.
In a statement released Friday Trump said, “It’s time we stop the outlandish partisan attacks, wild and false allegations, and far-fetched theories, which only serve to further the agendas of bad actors, like Russia, and do nothing to protect the principles of our institutions,” Trump said in the statement.
This seems mighty suspicious coming out all of a sudden. There are many questions to answer. Did they just raise the white flag? Does anyone else think that something big was uncovered against the deep state that has them scared s///tless? They just don’t want this investigation to point back to them. If this is the end of the investigation why is Mueller not announcing it? Is Rosenstein taking a deal?
Maybe their informants were going to RAT out the DNC and Hillary Campaign for collusion or maybe the IG already has what he needs, and some back room deal is happening to keep it quite.
For some weird reason, the liberal media is rejoicing at the fact that Robert Mueller handed down 13 indictments in his Russia probe,but are sorry Trump isn’t involved.
Not only does the indictment not implicate Trump, but Rod Rosenstein admits that NO AMERICANS were involved in any scheme to collude in the 2016 Presidential election.
In short, the entire “Trump-Russia Collusion” narrative has just CRUMBLED.
We already know that the Democratic Party colluded with the Russians during the election time. The real interference with the election was with Hillary, the DNC, Fusion GPS and Comey with stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders, obtaining a false dossier against Trump so they could get a FISA warrant to spy on a Trump campaign worker.
Mueller just turned a blind eye to that. He is happy because he made millions pretending to do an investigation of our President who he knew was innocent before he started the investigation. Comey who asked Rosenstein to appoint Mueller to investigate the President did it because he was mad that he got fired. Comey came out and said before the President fired him that they investigated and found that the President had not colluded with the Russians.
Rush Limbaugh had this to say on his show on Friday: “The special counsel, in breaking news, has indicted 16 Russians. I didn’t know there were any Russians in this scandal. We have this Russian-collusion scandal; I didn’t know there were any. Mueller has indicted 16 of them for “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” What the heck is that? I’ve never heard of anything like this. How can it be a crime to disparage Hillary and support Trump if you’re Russians? Supporting…? Well, they’ve been indicted for interference, but it’s not detailed how.
It’s a Grand Jury thing. It’s a ham-sandwich indictment, and that’s just pretty much all we have on it right now. “The special counsel’s office said today a federal grand jury indicted 16 Russian nationals and three Russian entities in the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. The indictments say that the defendants allegedly, by early to mid-2016, were supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump … and disparaging Hillary Clinton.”
Have you ever…? (laughing) They get indicted for this? I know there has to be more to this. But of all the things that were forecast and predicted that Mueller might do, I don’t remember anybody ever predicting that Russians would be indicted. We don’t have any names yet. I wonder if they’re some of the Russians that lied to Christopher Steele about his dossier. If you indict the Russians, how do you not indict Steele? You know what this sounds like to me, it sounds like this is as close as they can get to implicating Trump. “Here are some Russians! We found the Russians working to elect Trump.
“They committed offenses and we’re indicting them.” No evidence that they work with Trump, but that’s not going to matter. “
This whole phony investigation was by perpetrated by Trump hating deep state people from the beginning, the destroy Trump media and Hillary herself.
The White House on Friday declared that U.S. indictments of Russians for meddling in the 2016 presidential election showed that the campaign of President Donald Trump had nothing to do with an issue that has overshadowed his year in office.