Science, Technology, and Social Media

One in Three Americans Have Broken a Phone in Past Year

With the convenience of having a computer in our pocket to access email, listen to music, post on social media, and purchase anything within seconds, we are addicted to our phones now more than ever. With about three-quarters of U.S. adults owning a smartphone*Batteries Plus Bulbs, the nation’s only battery, light bulb, and phone repair franchise, sought to uncover the latest consumer habits and attitudes toward phone repair, care and usage through a nationwide survey. Among the compelling statistics, one in three (31 percent) respondents have broken a phone in the past year. If you’ve broken more than one, you’re not alone! Of that percentage, one in four (22 percent) have broken three or more. Other notable findings include:

Consumers need to be educated on phone repair and battery replacement
In today’s fast-growing market, consumers are surprisingly uneducated about phone repair. Of those surveyed, 59 percent have refrained from fixing a damaged phone because of high costs, waiting times, not knowing where to go, or simple laziness. Next time you break your phone, consider doing research before replacing to help determine your options, such as whether replacing or repairing is right for you. Oftentimes, a quick fix will do the trick instead of purchasing a new phone. For example, if your phone battery is draining too quickly, simply replacing the battery (which costs less than $100) can leave it as good as new.

The poll on how often Americans replace their phone battery reveals that:

  • 79 percent have never replaced their phone battery
  • 24 percent did not know a battery could be replaced
  • 19 percent frequently upgrade their phone versus replacing their phone battery

Consumers value trust and good customer service
77 percent of those surveyed shared that quality service, low prices, and trust are most important when looking for a phone repair provider over quick turnaround, proximity, or branding.

Functionality is key
U.S. consumers now spend five hours per day on mobile devices**, so it’s no wonder that 60 percent of those polled are compelled to fix their broken phone because they can’t see the screen. One in every seven (14 percent) respondents claimed that cracking their phone screen would ruin their day. Having a charged phone is also extremely important:

  • 44 percent of respondents admitted they would give up food delivery services for one year in order to always have a fully-charged phone
  • 27 percent would give up alcoholic beverages
  • 19 percent would give up streaming services
  • 10 percent would give up holiday celebrations including gifts and parties.

Despite the excitement about new iPhone® models, the poll reveals that:

  • 43 percent of those surveyed would not keep the iPhone X if they were gifted it this holiday season
  • 21 percent would sell it for profit
  • 13 percent would trade it for a different phone
  • 9 percent would re-gift it

“From this survey, it’s evident that while the service of phone repair is valued by many Americans, many specific offerings, such as battery replacement, are under-utilized,” said Shawn Budiac, Vice President of Category Management at Batteries Plus Bulbs. “By educating consumers on the ease, efficiency and breadth of repair services, Batteries Plus Bulbs can aid more customers, saving them thousands in new phone costs annually.”

Batteries Plus Bulbs offers in-store We Fix It® Repair Centers, which can repair phones (including the newest models), tablets, e-readers, and mp3 players. Services include battery replacement; screen repair; screen protection; water damage repair; charge port, button, antenna and headphone (audio) jack fixes; and Wi-Fi and wireless data functionality repairs. Repair Centers can also test, condition and rebuild battery packs for rechargeable household and commercial products. With over 700 locations across the nation, you are able to easily schedule a repair appointment online. We Fix It® offers high-quality service, quick turnarounds, and affordable prices. For more information about Batteries Plus Bulbs and We Fix It®, please visit

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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