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Alabama Senate Election Polls Have Closed – Live Blog and Results
Update: CDN called the race for Doug Jones (D) at 10:23 p.m. EST (9:23 CST).
The polls in the Alabama special Senate election have closed and we’re keeping up with the poll returns and outcome (refresh the page for updated results/blog entries.)
Alabama special Senate Race Results ( 98% precincts reporting )
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Live Blog
- 10:23 With 90% precincts in and more Jones precincts remaining than Moore precincts it looks like Alabama has its first Democrat Senator since 1992 – consider it called.
- 10:05 As the blue counties continue reporting then vote is tightening to a dead-heat. As the remaining votes lean Democrat, it looks like Jones could win.
- 10:00 The vote is tightening as more blue county precincts come in. 78% counted – 2.7%-point margin
- 9:52 With 75% counted, Moore leads 51-48 but there are more blue county votes left to count than red county. This will be close.
- 9:22 Noticing that Mobile and Montgomery Counties have reported less than 5% of their precincts (Jones Counties). Could push Jones ahead once they come in.
- 9:05 21% reporting, Moore holds 52-46% lead. NYT predicting slim win for Moore
- 8:47 Rural area votes tallies are coming in eliminating Jones’ lead. Moore skips ahead 50 – 48
- 8:36 Jones is leading in Jefferson, Mobile and Montgomery Counties by 70%+. Moore’s only big county so far is Elmore
- 8:32 Jones is pulling 60+% of the vote in Montgomery and Mobile Counties – a key number for him
- 8:30 Jones is dominant in Mobile and Montgomery County while Moore is winning most rural areas
- 8:22 Jones is leading in Mobile County by a significant margin – pushing him ahead overall
- 8:16 Results coming in much faster now, Jones leads 70%-30%
- 8:10 First results trickle in – Moore up 74%-25% with <200 votes counted
- 8:00 Polls closed
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