Los Angeles Dodgers Crush Cubs to Reach World Series

For the first time since Ronald Reagan was President of the United States, the Los Angeles Dodgers are going to the World Series.

The Dodgers mauled the defending champion Chicago Cubs 11-1 on Thursday night to close out 4 games to 1 National League Championship Series and win the NL pennant.


The poor Cubs never knew what hit them.

The Dodgers were dominant this season, cruising to an insurmountable division lead early and then having plenty of cushion to survive a late slump and still seize the home-field advantage in the playoffs.

The Cubs found themselves in too big of a hole to climb out of. Their reward for finally winning a game on Wednesday night was a matchup with Dodgers ace Clayton Kershaw.

Kershaw didn’t even have to put in a full night’s worth of work as the Dodgers hitters were locked in, a 9-0 lead by the time that the Cubs were able to get to him.

This series was never close but the Cubs will always have last year and the end of the curse.

The Dodgers will await the winner of the ALCS, either the New York Yankees or the Houston Astros. The victory marks the end of a World Series drought that stretches back to 1988.

Game Six will take place at 8 pm ET tonight and if another game is necessary, it will be played Saturday at 8 PM ET.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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