In The News
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, August 29, 2017
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will depart the White House for Joint Base Andrews, en route to Corpus Christi, Texas in the morning.
The President will then speak with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore by telephone aboard Air Force One.
Later in the morning, the President and the First Lady will arrive in Corpus Christi, Texas and will receive a briefing on Hurricane Harvey relief efforts with local leadership and relief organizations. The President and the First Lady will then depart Corpus Christi, Texas en route to Austin, Texas and will participate in a tour of the Emergency Operations Center and then participate in a briefing on Hurricane Harvey with State leadership.
President Trump’s schedule for Tuesday, 8/29/17
- 8:30 AM The President and First Lady depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn
- 8:50 AM The President and First Lady depart Washington, D.C. en route to Corpus Christi, Texas – Joint Base Andrews
- 9:30 AM Speak with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore by telephone – Air Force One
- 11:25 AM The President and First Lady arrive in Corpus Christi, Texas – Corpus Christi International Airport
- 12:00 PM The President and First Lady receive a briefing on Hurricane Harvey relief efforts with local leadership and relief organizations – Fire Station 5
- 1:30 PM The President and First Lady depart Corpus Christi, Texas en route to Austin, Texas – Corpus Christi International Airport
- 2:25 PM The President and First Lady arrive in Austin, Texas – Austin Bergstrom International Airport
- 3:00 PM The President and First Lady participate in a tour of the Emergency Operations Center – Texas Department of Public Safety Emergency Operations Center
- 3:15 PM The President and First Lady receive a briefing on Hurricane Harvey with State leadership – Governors Briefing Room Texas Department of Public Safety Emergency Operations Center
- 4:20 PM The President and First Lady depart Austin, Texas en route to Washington, D.C. – Austin Bergstrom International Airport
- 8:10 PM The President and First Lady arrive in Washington, D.C. – Joint Base Andrews
- 8:30 PM The President and First Lady arrive at the White House – South Lawn
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