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Ukrainian DNC Operative Denies Meddling But There’s One BIG Problem

The Trump administration has finally been able to start pushing back in the media over Democratic party collusion with Ukraine in the last year’s election.

As the next phase in the Democrat-Deep State campaign to impeach President Donald Trump on charges of collusion with the Kremlin, the New York Times broke a story on what was clearly an orchestrated setup of Donald Trump Jr.

While the media is swarming over the meeting between the junior Trump and a mysterious Russian attorney named Natalia Veselnitskaya who received a special visa exemption from Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department,  serious questions remain unanswered.

Was Ms. Veselnitskaya a key player in a honey pot operation? That is what it has the appearance of and the timing of the meeting is perfect for the Obama regime to have used it as a pretense for surveillance of Trump Tower.

But there is also the Ukrainian issue and a woman who was working for the DNC last summer named Alexandra Chalupa who was a key driver of the Russian hacking story.

White House Deputy Assistant Sebastian Gorka has been hammering CNN over the Ukrainian collusion this week, referencing a January Politico story about the Ukrainian plot to damage Trump. A story that points out the efforts of Ms. Chalupa in promoting Trump-Russia propaganda to friendly reporters.

Chalupa has thus far managed to keep her name out of the news – until this week when Gorka and others tried to bring attention to her mysterious activities while at the DNC.

But she is being protected by a media that is frantically trying to flush the Ukrainian-DNC scandal down the memory hole.

CNN was quick to provide cover for Chalupa by providing her with a forum “First on CNN: Former DNC contractor denies working with Ukrainian officials on anti-Trump research”:

The former Democratic National Committee contractor at the center of allegations that Democrats worked with Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump told CNN Friday that DNC officials never asked her to “go to the Ukrainian Embassy to collect information.”

Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American activist and Democratic consultant for over a decade, is the latest in a line of Democrats, including multiple DNC officials and former Clinton campaign officials, to deny the claim. It’s a talking point the White House and other pro-Trump Republicans are using to deflect from Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer described to him in emails as a “Russian government lawyer.”

“During the 2016 US election, I was a part time consultant for the DNC running an ethnic engagement program,” Chalupa said in a lengthy statement to CNN. “I was not an opposition researcher for the DNC, and the DNC never asked me to go to the Ukrainian Embassy to collect information.”

But Chalupa’s denials shouldn’t be taken at face value for one very simple reason – the DNC SERVER.

The missing DNC server that James Comey’s FBI never was able (unwilling?) to examine, instead relying on the word of a cybersecurity company co-founded by an anti-Putin activist. Chalupa would have been using that server during her time at the DNC and since it has disappeared, so has any solid evidence of collusion.

In addition to CNN, Democrat chief inquisitor Adam Schiff was quick to defend Ukraine:


But the question was never posed to Congressman Schiff about whether the fact that a Ukrainian arms dealer who would benefit financially from lethal weapons being shipped to Kiev who sponsored a fundraiser from him back in 2013 has anything to do with his relentlessness to gin up ties between Trump and Russia.

This rabbit hole goes all the way to the earth’s core.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

Published by
Donn Marten

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