Politically Correct New U.S. Aircraft Carrier Has No Urinals

President Donald Trump participated in a ceremony to commission the USS Gerald R. Ford over the weekend as the United States unveiled our newest aircraft carrier.

Trump hailed the formidable $12.9 billion war machine as a “100,000-ton message to the world” but one of the messages is a legacy of the Obama regime’s mission to fully integrate transgenders into the U.S. military.

In a bow to political correctness, the USS Gerald R. Ford has no urinals but instead only toilet stalls that can be used by male, female or none of the above.

According to The Navy Times “No urinals on the new Navy aircraft carrier”:

The new aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford has all sorts of high-tech gear equipped for 21st century naval warfare. But there is one thing that male sailors will notice is no longer available: Urinals.

For the first time, every bathroom on the Ford — known throughout military circles as a head — is designed to be “gender-neutral,” meaning all of the urinals have been replaced with flush toilets and stalls, Navy officials say.

The vast majority of the 5,000-plus sailors who will deploy aboard the carrier Ford are men, as women account for only about 18 percent of sailors in the Navy.

Bathroom design experts say water closets with seated toilets are less sanitary and take up far more space than wall-mounted urinals.

Nevertheless, the Navy says there are advantages to eliminating urinals.

It will allow the Navy to quickly and efficiently change a head’s assigned gender, so depending on the ship’s demographics at the time, berthing areas can be switched between male and female to accommodate the crew’s needs.


It’s a decision that comes as a surprise to many professionals who design restrooms.

“[A toilet is] by far a less clean environment than a urinal. By far,” said Chuck Kaufman, president of the Public Restroom Company, an organization that specializes in designing bathrooms.

For men, traditional seated toilets are farther away, making them harder targets to accurately focus on.

Thus, men who use a water closet are more likely to miss the bowl and hit the floor, says Kaufman.

He says that when men are obligated to pee in water closets, urine tends to build up on the floor, leaving an abysmal stench.

“A urinal is a target,” said Kaufman. “What is a problem is [with a water closet] you have a very big target and we can’t aim very quickly.”

The only way to ensure men accurately aim into a toilet bowl is to force men to sit down, which is unlikely to happen, said Kaufman.

Moreover, sitting down to pee makes trips to the bathroom take longer.

Kaufman estimates that the average trip to the urinal takes a little under a minute. Meanwhile, peeing at a sit-down toilet takes twice as long, he said.

Fortunately for America and the military, Obama and his social engineer Secretary of Defense Ash Carter are long gone and perhaps this insane focus on political correctness over combat readiness can be nipped in the bud.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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One Comment

  1. This is not new in some Naval facilities. About 1995, I went to the National Naval Medical Center for a conference and found uni-sex toilets and showers in the Bachelor Officers Quarters (BOQ). Yes, it was weird, but with private stalls, not all that bad. Actually, much better than the open line of toilets – no walls at all – at a field exercise at Camp LeJeune, and that was all women.

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