Christian Dominatrix Will Spank Your Sinful Ass for $80 an Hour

The sexual fantasies and kinky fetishes of some people are almost too incredible to be believed.

A quick trip around some of the seamier corners of the internet would quickly prove that there is no vile and revolting act that doesn’t turn at least some people on.

But a story just out provides an interesting variation on the freaks who dig BDSM and especially being humiliated by a leather clad dominatrix.

Via The New York Post “Christian Dominatrix Will Have You Praying for More”:

A devout Christian dominatrix is putting the fear of God in her clients – and making them worship her.

Submissives pay $80 per hour to grovel at the feet of the curvaceous New York City domme, who stands at just 4-foot-10.

But the leather-clad mistress — who wishes to remain anonymous — doesn’t let her profession get in the way of her committed relationship with God.

“I’m a Christian first and foremost, that is what I am,” she tells The Post, adding that she was a youth minister when she was 17.

She recognizes a clear conflict between her ultra-conservative religious roots and her BDSM profession, but is able to merge her dual identities — and even considers herself submissive to her faith.

“I would describe my relationship with Jesus as one would describe a relationship with a bratty sub with a dominant,” she says.

The entire story is HERE.

You just can’t make stuff like this up!

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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