Pucker Up and Resist With New F*ck Trump Lipstick

Showing that there are some enterprising folks who see an opportunity to cash in on the left’s blind hatred of President Donald Trump, a new lipstick line is being promoted as a way to express defiance as the so-called Resistance drags on.

A California college student launched Lipslut to promote the “F*ck Trump” cause by promising to donate half of the proceeds to women’s charity organizations.

The new product’s name is a perfect example of how the left – including leading Democrats – has embraced profanity and crudeness as a replacement for sincere and robust political discourse and debate.

According to Lipslut’s website:

Selected by popular vote, “F*ck Trump” is a balanced, mid-tone nude pink.

Make a statement with a strong matte look. Our liquid formula swipes on smooth, and dries to a soft matte finish. “F*ck Trump” wears all day, ensuring your lips are always soft and pigmented.

50% towards charity, 100% against tyranny, and of course, 100% cruelty free.

Finally, a lipstick as bold as you.

Legal Insurrection elaborates in the story “Fight the Patriarchy with F*ck Trump Lipslut Lipstick”:

Lipslut, a soon to be launched lipstick brand offers an entire line one whole color of “mid-tone nude pink” lip gloss for the woman looking to change the world.

Called “F*ck Trump” (OMG SO EDGY), Lipslut was designed by a college student to “fight the patriarchy” and “empower women everywhere”. This is the only credit I’ll give them — 50% of the purchase price goes to charity. Which charity, you ask? Whichever charity the Lipslut democracy votes for!

The makers of the neutral hue hope to appeal to liberals and conservatives alike (good luck with that, kiddos).

Even the name Lipslut itself — yes, I’m aware neo-feminists have deluded themselves into the belief that sexual liberation and “slutty” behavior is empowerment that damns the man, but the reality is that it’s more frequently linked to daddy issues, deep-rooted insecurity, and lack of healthy relationship attachments. And let’s be real here, what woman really wants slutty lips?

There seems to be a bit of a contradiction with Lipslut’s concept though. Instead of emboldening and reinforcing women’s rights couldn’t there be a better idea than cheapening them by identifying them as sluts?

Then again, anyone who puts on a pink pussy hat and marches in the street with placards and signs of women’s private parts to make a political statement is pretty cheap and slutty to begin with.

Such is the hypocrisy of the left. The F*ck Trump lipstick will sell for $19.95 and you can pre-order some for that very special feminist in your life at lipslut.com.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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