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Oregon to Become First State to Recognize Third Gender on Drivers Licenses

The left coast state of Oregon will break historic ground when it becomes the first in the nation to allow the choice of neither male nor female on driver’s licenses.

The new gender category of “nonbinary” will replace the traditional “M” or “F” with an “X” to appease the miniscule but noisy demographic that has been demanding that the overwhelming majority bend to accommodate them with the special treatment.

According to the Portland Oregonian “Oregon becomes first state to allow nonbinary on drivers license”:

Oregon became the first U.S. state to allow residents to identify as “nonbinary,” neither male nor female, on their driver licenses and identification cards Thursday in a decision by The Oregon Transportation Commission.

Beginning July 1, Oregonians will be able to choose “X” for sex Instead of “F” or “M” on their licenses and identification cards. Applicants will have to pay replacement or renewal fees.

Transgender and intersex Oregonians say the change validates their identities and makes them safer as they hand over their licenses at restaurants, health clinics and airports. Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles officials say they received little opposition to the change, which they first announced plans to carry out last summer. Of 83 comments, both written and oral, only 12 people opposed the change.

The testimony offered “important insight into some DMV customers that according to one of the witnesses are as common as redheads,” said Tom McClellan, the division administrator for the department. “People didn’t share their testimony. They shared their stories. They told us of their struggles so we would understand the need.”

It would seem that the “nonbinary” choice would somewhat defeat the use of the data for identification purposes and would impede the normal investigative duties of law enforcement personnel as well as anti-terrorism preventive measures.

But the left is as short-sighted as they are oblivious and will never be happy until their identity based Utopia has been implemented.

In terms of pure freakitude, go west to California and then turn north.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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