Science, Technology, and Social Media
Microsoft wants to put your face in some strange places
Microsoft’s Face Swap, available on the Google Play Store, gives users the ability to “search and transport” themselves “into fun & inspirational scenes.”
Microsoft’s app isn’t pioneering in the least for its ability to take a selfie and place it in another location or on another person. The free to use and ad-free app does, however, allow users to search for places to stick their mugs.
To use the app, just snap a selfie in good lighting using Face Swap then start swapping through preset categories until you find something you like – then, just save and share.
- Take a great selfie with our special face swap camera with real time hints and instructions
- Pick an image from your camera roll
- Search for a face on the web
- You can swap any face into any picture.
- Pick an image with faces from your camera roll
- Choose a scene from one of our fun categories
- Search for an image with Bing powered image search
- Search for trending faces and scenes!
Using a sophisticated face swap engine, we:
- Match skin tone (or any tone…Try a stone statue!)
- Automatically find faces in images and place your swap
- Match lighting conditions
- Match head turns and tilts
- Process and place multiple faces in a single scene
Whether you want to share a picture of you as a rock star or infantry commander Microsoft’s Face Swap can take you there.
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