Florida Woman Stole City Funds to Pay For Brazilian Butt Lift
The stupidity of the criminally inclined often knows no bounds but an amusing story out of Gainesville, Florida is a real doozy.
The landlocked city of Gainesville’s main claim to fame is that it is the home of the SEC’s Florida Gators but 33-year-old Natwaina Clark may put the college town on the map due to her pilfering of funds from her employer for a procedure called a Brazilian butt lift.
During her time as an employee of the City of Gainesville, Ms. Clark managed to steal approximately $93,000 for a number of things including the butt lift.
Report: Stolen city funds paid for her 'Brazilian butt lift' https://t.co/YIEiRtaUWb pic.twitter.com/l1Qy5loM0A
— GainesvilleSun (@GainesvilleSun) June 15, 2017
The Gainesville Sun is reporting “Report: Stolen city funds paid for her ‘Brazilian butt lift’”:
An investigative report released Wednesday shows a former city of Gainesville employee, accused of stealing more than $93,000 from the city, spent some of it on a Brazilian butt lift.
The report found that former city staff specialist Natwaina Clark, 33, charged her city-issued credit card 136 times for roughly $61,000 in unauthorized charges, used her bosses’ cards at least 36 more times for an additional $31,000, and spent nearly $900 on a coworker’s card five times between November 2015 and March 2017.
The report also finds department heads acted negligently, allowing city funds to be misspent.
Documents attached to the report show Clark, who was hired in August 2015, funneled roughly $41,000 to her personal PayPal account, linked to her bank account, and that $8,500 of it went toward a Brazilian butt lift. The cosmetic surgery procedure uses fat from one part of the body to augment one’s buttocks.
PayPal transactions were itemized as “decor,” “storage bins,” and “holiday banners.”
Purchases also show Clark paid $2,413 to Cox Communications, spent $1,011 at CVS, $739 at Sam’s Club for mostly food items, $680 to her personal SunPass account and bought a “large” TV.
Clark, whose salary was $33,500, was fired from the city March 21, while on a cruise-ship vacation, the report said. She was arrested March 28 and charged with larceny and scheme to defraud, both felonies.
Now if you are wondering what exactly a Brazilian butt lift” actually is, a story published by the New York Daily News provides some detail:
What is it?
“Brazilian butt lift” refers to the fat-grafting procedure employed to amp up the size of your backside (not to be confused with butt implants, which are another story entirely). The goal is a more rounded, fuller buttock.
The process, per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, begins with liposuction: The surgeon administers local anesthesia, loosens excess torso fat on the body through incisions, and sucks it out using a syringe or vacuum. The aforementioned fat is then purified and injected into the buttocks.
While a quick perusal of Google for the approximate costs of a Brazilian butt lift, it’s clear that Ms. Clark had way too much ass to qualify for the discount rate.