The Latest: What’s Bill O’Reilly Up To Now?
After being let go by Fox News in April, Bill O’Reilly is using the internet and a series of live shows to stay relevant. But Fox isn’t making it easy on him.
Bill O’Reilly has released “No Spin News” podcasts almost daily on his subscription-only website
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Mr. O’Reilly has also been promoting his series of live “The Spin Stops Here” shows featuring former Saturday Night Live talent Dennis Miller and Jesse Watters – whom O’Reilly featured regularly on his Fox News show.
In recent days, Watters’ name was left out of the promotional statements indicating that Jessie would not be joining Dennis and Bill on the tour. It appears that Fox doesn’t want their new host to be seen with the outcast O’Reilly.
Bill had affirmed Jesse’s appearance at the next show as recently as last week saying, “The tour stays. Miller and Watters and me.” But starting on Thursday, O’Reilly’s promotional message changed. “Miller and I will make it worth your while.”
Bill O’Reilly was released from his contract at Fox News after a New York Times hit piece revealed that Fox News had paid several women a total of $13 million after they accused Mr. O’Reilly of sexual misconduct. Bill denied the allegations saying that the payments were to keep his family from going through the public agony of a trial.
There are 6 show dates left in 2017, the next two are sold out with tickets ranging from $94 to $195.