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WATCH: White House Press Secretary Spicer Ambushed by Misinformed Liberal at Apple Store

Progressive extremist Shree Chauhan ambushed White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer in an Apple Store on Sunday as he waited to check out.

Shree asked a barrage of misinformed questions to which Spicer just smiled and continued on with the purchase of an Apple Watch.

“How does it feel to work for a fascist?” the self-acclaimed extremist asked.

Stuttering, the emphatic Obama supporter inquired of the secretary, “have you, have you, have you helped with the Russia stuff?” then continued badgering him by asking “are you a criminal as well?”

Shree said in a post on that she “organized that Betsy DeVos blockade at a local D.C. school,” a claim that has not been independently confirmed.

Shree is full of herself and looking for her 30 seconds of fame – well she got it and it may not be all she had hoped.

Ms. Chauhan goes on to point out the only thing Spicer said to her was: “such a great country that allows you to be here,” obviously alluding to the freedom of speech in America that protects her right to verbally assault a public figure with ridiculous questions while he shops.

Shree then goes into full-on snowflake mode decrying Spicers “great country” remark as racism.

That is racism and it is an implied threat. Think about the sheer audacity of Mr. Spicer to say that to my face with a smile, knowing that he that he is being recorded on video and the position of power he holds in our government.

Chauhan likely sees her feat as somehow defending America, speaking truth to power or some other misguided notion of glory –  such is the way of the progressive.

Shree was supposedly in the store to get the screen on her iPhone repaired which, by her own admission, she broke on the eve of the election. One can just visualize the teary-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth, psychotic screaming fit she might have gone into when Hillary lost. That phone never stood a chance.

All throughout Ms. Chauhan’s idiotic questions, Sean was the consummate professional – thanking the store staff for their help before leaving Shree to stand there with nothing more than 48 seconds of rabid, ill-informed questioning and a broken iPhone.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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