In The News
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, March 28th, 2017
President Donald Trump will start his day with the presidential daily briefing from the intelligence community.
Mid-day will feature a listening session in which the president will meet with and discuss the concerns of the Fraternal Order of Police.
The president will sign an executive order on American energy independence early in the afternoon.
Late afternoon, President Trump, Secretary of State Tillerson, and Homeland Security chief John Kelly will have a meeting. Considering the attendees, an educated guess is that either the border wall, illegal immigration or terrorism is the topic de jour.
The president’s evening will be spent hosting a reception for Senators and their spouses in the East Room of the White House.
President Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, 3/27/17
- 10:30 AM Receive daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 11:00 AM Host a listening session with the Fraternal Order of Police – Roosevelt Room
- 2:00 PM Sign an Energy Independence Executive Order – EPA Headquarters
- 4:00 PM Meet with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security – Oval Office
- 7:00 PM Host a reception for Senators and their spouses – East Room
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