Sausage Making in Full View 02-07-2017
Through our “contact us” page, we have received the message that many of you prefer to see just how the “sausage” is made in D.C. so we’ve started streaming, recording, highlighting and showing raw video from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, appellate courts and more.
You asked for raw access to the White House’s press briefings, Senate votes and more and we’ve listened.
We’ll come up with a clever title for these daily views into the inner-sanctum of politics (feel free to offer your thoughts in the comments section) but for now, here are today’s findings:
U.S. Senate Vote on Betsy DeVos:
U.S. Senate Votes on Cloture for Jeff Sessions as A.G.
White House Press Briefing
9th Circuit Court of Appeals Hears Arguments on Temporary Restraining Order Against Federal Travel Suspension
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