In The News
President Trump’s Schedule for Thursday, February 9th, 2017
President Trump will start his day, as usual, with the daily intelligence briefing before heading to breakfast and a listening session with the airline industry.
Mid-morning will feature the swearing-in of Sen. Jeff Sessions as the new U.S. Attorney General then a call with Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani.
At Noon, Trump will speak with the Amir of Qatar by phone before hosting a luncheon and listening session with Judge Gorsuch and red-state democrats.
Trump will spend the middle of his afternoon on the phone with the Amir of Kuwait and Iraq’s Prime Minister in separate phone calls.
The late afternoon/evening is conspicuously empty so another surprise trip or meeting could be planned so check back for updates.
Schedule for President Donald Trump Tuesday, 02-09-2017
- 9:00 AM: Receive daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 9:30 AM: Breakfast and airline industry listening session – State Dining Room
- 10:30 AM: Swearing-in of the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions – Oval Office
- 11:30 AM: Speak with President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan by phone – Oval Office
- 12:00 PM: Speak with Amir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar by phone – Oval Office
- 12:30 PM: Hold a SCOTUS listening session and lunch – Roosevelt Room
- 2:15 PM: Speak with Amir Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah of Kuwait by phone – Oval Office
- 2:45 PM: Speak with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq by phone – Oval Office
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