Poll: Obama Bad for U.S.-Israel Relations, Trump Better
A poll released Thursday shows that Americans feel that Obama has hurt U.S. – Isreali relations and that President-elect Donald Trump will be better.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters feel U.S. relations with Israel have gotten worse since Obama took office. That’s up from 44% the first time we asked this question.
As the poll was conducted December 26th and 27th, it includes the fallout from the troublesome U.N. resolution that Obama pushed, but will not show any negative sentiment from the inflammatory speech that Secretary of State John Kerry gave on Wednesday.
President Obama has steadily eroded American’s confidence in his Middle-East foreign policies with his failures in Libya and Syria, the terrible Iranian nuclear agreement and now the ill-thought tactical blunder of abandoning Israel by abstaining from a key U.N. Security Council vote.
The same poll showed that more than 65% of Americans believe that a healthy relationship between the U.S. and Israel is very important and almost as many (63%) believe that Trump will be able to fix the mess Obama is leaving for him.
55% of voters not affiliated with either major political party believe America’s relationship with Israel has gotten worse during Obama’s presidency, but just 19% of Democrats agree which signals that the left is still out-of-touch with issues facing U.S. national security.
In an earlier poll, 76% of Republicans still considered Israel a U.S. ally, but only 45% of Democrats agreed. As Jewish voters lean heavily Democrat despite their party’s begrudged tolerance of Isreal, there seems to be a massive schism between American Jews and Isreali Jews.