This week, I have one agreement with the far Left Loons! All this conversation about Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades are not relevant because Bill is not running… well, that’s kinda-sorta-correct. This is where I say the Democrats define, own, and live hypocrisy!
Donald Trump, or let’s say the Republican nominee, makes lewd comments on what he would like to do to the beautiful women he sees or comes in contact with. The Left is outraged. How dare he speak about women like that?! How dare he talk about the nasty and dirty things he has running around in his head and how women can’t resist him! That he has a problem with pretty women and how he is drawn to them. How dare he apologize and expect us to believe him! How dare that Republican!
They go on to say he should resign, step out, make a sacrifice to the gods, and more!!!!
There’s only one word for all that so-called outrage… “Hypocrites!”
Democrats will accept sexual abuse, rape culture, and objectification of women by their own as normal behavior, but anyone else is demonized! Proof?
When then-Governor Clinton was running Arkansas he was known for sending out State police (who have attested to this) to pick up women for him and taking them to the “mansion” (no not the Playboy Mansion but the Governor’s Mansion) for a night of “SEXcapades.” Where was the outrage of the Left? Nowhere!
Read the rest at: SEXcapades