Donald Trump Holds HUGE Rally in Redding, CA (6-3-16) – [Video]
Friday, June 3, 2016: Full replay of the Donald J. Trump for President rally in Redding, CA at Redding Municipal Airport – AOA Ramp.
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Donald is a true Phenom and I find myself going back and forth in my opinion of him as a person. The strongest asset, to me, is that he is NOT Hillary and means no harm. I worry that he will make the ‘bully pulpit’ a real bully….still, we will know where he stands…..I’m not fond of his street attitude or long shoreman manner…..but, both are good at fighting for what they believe and cleaning clocks…..I don’t like war but am glad he recognizes the power of a strong well equipped military …..His charitable contributions over the years indicate that people are important….He is crude, rude and bombastic…He is SINCERE and the GOP CANDIDATE….and I WILL VOTE FOR HIM….praying that all will see that they MUST meet their responsibility and do the same and put our Nation ahead of their own person
I agree, he is not a polished politician, he is a true patriot. He sincerely is the last hope of saving this nation and the world from the evil that is consuming us all. Vote Trump to keep our free nation in tact and remove the threats we are under because of the communists in our gov.
I got totally off track and subject, Now about that Rally…..This is a pretty good example when ‘authorities’ prepare to control the crowd ahead of time. My understanding is that Airport Security limited the number inside the primary area and any trouble was kept at bay. San Jose’s chief of police’s explanation about the slow reaction is about as inane as it could be. “Trying to avoid trouble” Figure he was on payroll of paid protesters…FOX news showed that ahead of time “organizers” were setting up at various sections. This demonstration puts a POX on an otherwise nice town…Trump doesn’t incite violence, ignorance, greed and evil do…oops didn’t mean to call out the leftist….
Jan: As a resident of San Jose I will say I’ve NEVER seen such a piss poor performance by police anywhere!
I am retired from law enforcement and spent 40 years as a deputy sheriff. SJPD’s performance, or more correctly non performance, is a disgrace to the profession…
Fortunately, there are more like you than this jerk….my son was with St Louis PD and I have tremendous respect and gratitude for those on our front line watching our six