Blocked For Telling the Truth!!!
Recently a website called “Crooks and Liars” featured an interview FOX News had with actor Scott Baio who is a Trump supporter. The headline read “Scott Baio says Obama wants to dismantle the United States.” He did not exactly say that. What he said was he thought Obama was a Muslim or Muslim sympathizer and that every time there is one of these attacks Obama and Hillary want to blame it on gun control and Donald Trump is the only one who is willing to take this head on. Then he said “I don’t know if they want to dismantle the United States or what, but they are not protecting us.” That was all he said on it and this website featured it in their headline.
I decided to leave a comment which is here:
Obama has called our constitution an outdated document. In his books he said he would “side with the Muslims if the winds should change in a different direction” .In his books he blames the world’s problems on America and expresses his disdain for white people. His father and stepfather were both Muslim and in the Muslim faith the offspring are the religion of the father. He’s let in one million Muslims since he’s been in office and more than half say they want Sharia Law here. Most of these so called refugees are young men 16-45 years old. Where are all the women and children? Obama’s chief adviser Valerie Jarrett is a Muslim and said her job is to make this country more Islamic. His foreign affairs adviser Susan Rice is a Muslim and Sec.of Defense James Comey recently converted to Islam. There are also Muslim Brotherhood members throughout his administration and in DHS.
I noticed it went thru but didn’t appear. I tried several times. The next day I tried again and a message came up saying I had been blocked. I have never been blocked from any website in my life. I checked the reason and they said they had the right to edit and refuse any comment. If you wanted to speak with a manager there was a whole bunch of steps you had to go thru. I guess that is to make it purposely difficult for you to contact them. They said to try using another name or different server. I always use Discus which they accepted. I thought it may have been discus so I replied on another site that uses discus and no problem so it had to be them. I guess they are a liberal site and only want things attacking conservatives like Scott Baio. Liberals are only for freedom of speech as long as you agree with them. I guess this site is the real “crooks and liars” like they say. 😀
You can see the interview by clicking on the link below.
we have something in common. I have also been blocked by the same website. apparently they don’t mind lying about people but they don’t want the truth to come out about liberals. typical of all fascist.