Trump’s address to #RollingThunder in D.C. [full event]
Rolling Thunder is holding their annual ride and rally in Washington D.C. this weekend and Donald Trump will be speaking to the attendees in an address at noon on Sunday.
This is the 29th annual ride held by the POW and MIA advocacy group. Organizers expect up to half-a-million riders for the event.
#RollingThunder THIS is America, baby!!! Love our Vets! God Bless America! https://t.co/a44yzo61r5
— Just Me (@cheryl_cyw) May 29, 2016
Live Stream of Trump Speaking to #RollingThunder
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understand that many “bikers’ were stopped from entering some areas to include memorial area and concert ?????
Hey! All of you Military guys of yesterday, today and tomorrow……A HUGE (YUGE) THANK YOU