Trump’s Full Speech at AIPAC [video]
Trump spoke at AIPAC on Monday, March 21st, 2016.
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Being a glutton for punishment, I listened to ALL of the candidates. And I heard them ALL pander to their audience …some more than others….But this post is about Trump…His studies at Wharton taught him that a successful SALESMAN learned to mirror and reflect his customer’s (voter) emotions. WOW! He got it !!!
You and I ‘know’ what’s wrong….and we’re angry and frustrated and not sure what to do about it all!!! And ‘that’ is exactly what he’s shouting back from the mirror…..sans any logical, or actual solution! His words echo our anger and desire to bash heads…but few to no answers. In 2006 GW Bush was allotted funds to BUILD A WALL and increase Border Patrol. In 2009 Napaltanio * used it ‘otherwise’. His ‘suggestions’ as to what he’ll do offer nothing new or kiss the edges of outrageous…\
Anyone that has checked beyond his resume homepage and gone into his financial investments, contributions for political gain will see a pattern of his soon tiring (or mismanagement) of project and walking away USING the law to come out ahead…leaving a littered path of tromped on victims of his lovers that trusted him.
Deals made through intimidation, bullying, threats and bribery are NOT GOOD deals or negotiating in my book. Does ‘whatever it takes’ mean sleeping with someone else’s wife ? (In his book, “Art of the Deal”)
IF and only IF you’d buy a used car from him…the Trump’s your man….If not keep walking. Many of us have already voted and now WE MUST BACK THE GOP CANDIDATE or learn to say President Hillary without vomiting.
This election is a HUGE REALLY UGE turning point for our Exceptional Nation that is already GREAT
You vote and you prayers are needed
Great letter and a great post. I hope I speak for many when I say thank you for the letter and thank you for sending out Donald Trumps speech to AIPAC.
I can only say that I hope and pray the American people will wake up to reality and get out and support this man and realize, he is NOT a politician but he does know how to delegate responsibility to qualified people, he knows how to manage big, big business and a country like America!
God speed,
John A. Smaldone