Bloomberg – Obama Gun Control Efforts Worry Democrats for 2016
Even huge gun control proponents like Hillary Clinton and Dianne “it’s legal to hunt humans” Feinstein (D-CA) have been silent lately on the issue of gun control. The Obama-Bloomberg anti-gun push is making all Democrats nervous with 2016 so close.
In an April 10th interview with ABC News, President Obama issued a warning to Americans that he hasn’t “given up on gun control” and that he is “going to keep chipping away at this.” – Democrats wish he would just stop talking about it.
Michael Bloomberg has led several rich-boy financed efforts to create fake grass roots organizations (astro-turf) to lead some Americans to believe that defending yourself is dangerous. Democrats really want him to stop.
Being anti-gun rights in America is a third rail to politicians. As each push to destroy the second amendment is made, more Americans become gun owners. It has reached the point that just about any sane person understands that the defense of their family and property rests solely on them. The police won’t get their until the crime has been committed, but then they will certainly do everything they can to catch the bad people.
The realization that liberal policies have not made anyone safer is accepted by most Americans. Looking at violent crime rates in centers of liberalism like Los Angeles, Chicago and Detroit, the voting population has discovered that the government cannot protect them.
2016 is approaching and politicians cannot afford to be associated with Bloomberg or other anti-gun groups and initiatives.
Democrats struggle with their anti-gun initiatives because their credibility on the issues is nearly non-existent and they are typically uncomfortable talking about guns. Saying that AR-15’s can launch 30 rounds in half of a second, that magazines are single-use or that standard capacity magazines make murder legal are just a few of the countless terrible and unfounded arguments made by the left.
Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY): “The Second Amendment only protects the people who want all the guns they can have. The rest of us, we’ve got no Second Amendment. What are we supposed to do?”
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) “And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.”
Democrats would prefer not to be forced to talk about guns and are wishing that President Obama and Michael Bloomberg would just shut-up about the issue.
Since our Founders settled this in the writing of our Constitution, there should be no debate…Since it has become an unavoidable by all counts, I suggest that the ‘key word’ is c-o-n-t-r-o-l and has little to do with safety of anyone.
To Rep. Slaughter: You have the same 2nd Amendment as other American citizens. Use it as you will….If you see a rattlesnake coiled at your feet,,,,don’t expect me to exercise mine ti save yours.
Diane Darling, Why not? After all it is legal to kill unborn humans with a sharp object….
Well said Jan. Well said.