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Election Time Fun and Games,Ebola and ISIS!!


The headlines read “Dems Bench Obama” and “Party Turns Against Pelosi.” While these are all fun to watch, Republicans should be wary and not fall into the trap of a false sense of security as this is an election year and the democrats are in a for tight race to preserve their seats and gain a few. This is all to pave the way for Hillary in 2016. The release of Panetta’s book criticizing Obama while he is still in office is also tied to paving the way for Hillary. It wouldn’t surprise me if she and Panetta planned this as payback to Obama for screwing her out of the presidency in 2008.

Recently a group known as Campus Reform went to Harvard to ask students which is a bigger threat to world peace America or ISIS? They all naturally blamed America. They are obviously being brainwashed by the Marxist professors in colleges today that hate America. Sure we have our mistakes and aren’t perfect, but neither is any other country. We have liberated more countries from dictatorships and tyranny than any nation. We give aid to countries that hate us in the millions and never receive any thanks in return.

We won that war in Iraq when we liberated those people from Saddam’s wrath. (And for those that say we didn’t find any WMD’s I consider 500 tons of Sarin gas a WMD which we shipped out to be buried here somewhere). People could vote including women. Remember the purpled fingers? Women could hold jobs and teach in the schools. Veils were optional. They had free elections. We built schools and office buildings for them and brought them out of the dark ages to the 20th century. They had a new constitution. But you won’t hear about that in any college course or media today.

Then along came Obama,a community organizer with no experience, declaring to end the war and pulled the troops out thinking everything would be honky dory if we only pulled out of there. In 2007 Bush warned of the evil consequences of pulling out too soon saying all we accomplished would be lost. Obama didn’t listen  to his generals  and advisors or consult with Bush and all we accomplished was indeed lost as ISIS took over city after city destroying everything we did and putting people back under Sharia law once again declaring death to Isreal and the U.S. The goal of Islam is world domination and hatred for America and jihad is preached in these mosques here. The Oklahoma beheader Alton Nolen is a prime example from what he learned in the mosque he attended. So I ask you who is really a bigger threat to world peace?  America is according to these so called educated morons.

Russ Revell,a YouTube user who commented on the post, said the students in the video are well-spoken but may not fully have a complete understanding of the world.

“They all have very good vocabularies, unfortunately their understanding of the world has been corrupted by progressive ideas and professors with their own socialist agenda.”

I also agree with this comment:

Faye Conquest Schlatter · Port Clinton High School

American has always been the most generous country in the world and maybe these students don’t realize that??? They better get a grip!! We gave them our soldiers’ lives, our money, our food, health and aid, support of all kinds and yet many hate us but we still keep on giving; now teachers are teaching our kids to hate us and that is all our fault???? what  is wrong with this picture!!! We are not the biggest threat,  it is the ignorant people of the world with narrow minds!

As David Kupelian ,Vice President of World Net Daily said in a letter to his readers:

Today, we endure daily news of the outrageously lawless and perverse Obama presidency – the weak and timid response to a fast-metastasizing Islamic caliphate in the Middle East, bent on Christian genocide and all manner of brutality; a wide-open southern border, allowing terrorists and criminals to freely enter our national home; a nonsensical Ebola policy that allows the fearsome disease multiple avenues of entry into America; as well as the usual variety of manufactured crises, economic chaos, cascading scandals, “high crimes” and rising calls for impeachment. But in truth, the entire Obama presidency is one huge scandal, leading our great nation into utter financial, political, cultural and spiritual catastrophe.
Now we have this national ebola health scare.  Is this another manufactured crisis by Obama to distract once again from his failure with ISIS? As I’ve mentioned In previous blogs every time one crisis gets out of hand created by him a new one always arises. We had Fast and Furious, the NSA scandal then the IRS scandal then Benghazi, then The VA scandal, then the threat of ISIS and now Ebola. Obama is so desperate for his legacy and it’s nowhere to be found except for Obamacare and hopefully that will be repealed by the republicans so senior citizens 75 and over can once again be eligible for medical benefits rather than just be put on a pain pill.

In my last blog I wrote about the signs for the end of times and one was disease and pestilence throughout the world. Now we see signs of ebola in Spain, Australia and Paris as well as here. Young kids in this country are dying from this entrovirus, nine so far. You can’t tell me this isn’t from that influx of kids who came across our border and then were distributed throughout the country without being tested. This virus didn’t break out until then and now the feds are covering up saying it is just a mutated virus of one that already existed. Sorry I don’t believe that!!!!


Click here: Harvard Students Say America A Bigger Threat Than ISIS, ‘We Are To Blame For A Lot’ [Video

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

Published by
Jim Clayton
Tags: Politics

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