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NAACP Protects Right to Show Butt in Public

Saggy PantsShowing your underwear or butt cheeks will again be legal in Oscala, Florida thanks to the heroic actions of the NAACP.

The Oscala, FL city council had previously passed an ordinance preventing citizens from walking around with pants that showed their undergarments or worse.. their butts. The NAACP threatened to file suit against the “saggy pants” ordinance and Oscala blinked.

Local NAACP President Loretta Pompey Jenkins said that the issue should not be dealt with through government agencies.

Dale Landry, of the Florida state NAACP said “it’s going to be black males that are the subject of this.”

Landry’s assertion is that because mainly black males show their underwear or buttocks in public, the regulation to prevent it is clearly racist.

The NAACP seems disinterested in improving the quality of life of the black community and instead have become the puppet of those that have no interest in elevating the African-American community as far as possible.

If all the NAACP can do for black Americans is to protect the right to show some butt, I have no idea why black Americans feel that the NAACP speaks for them.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. It’s Ocala, not Oscala.

    Also, you missed a HUGE point:

    “Local NAACP president Loretta Pompey Jenkins applauded the action, saying the issue should be dealt with at home, in church or by community groups instead of by government agencies.”

    This has to be the FIRST time that anybody associated with the NAALCP has ever not wanted the government to solve their problems. That’s a huge admission that the government is NOT the answer.

      1. Good grief, Rich! You didn’t even mention that when you’re head is buried, the butt is all that’s left showing!

  2. I see you did report that part, but what I’m saying is that it needs to be blatantly pointed out that it is the first time that goverment is not the answer for the NAALCP.

    Otherwise, good report!

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