Hillary Knows What It’s Like To be Broke??????
In an interview with Diane Sawyer and later Robin Roberts when they asked Hillary why she charges so much for speeches she said she knows what it’s like to be broke. She claims that she and Bill were dead broke when they left the whitehouse . Didn’t they lose 6 billion dollars they couldn’t account for? Didn’t they take the whitehouse dishes and furniture that was donated? She says she understands the hard life. Give me a break!!!! I’m sure she doesn’t lie awake at night wondering how she’s going to pay the next cable bill, electric bill, gas bill and rent. She has a lot of damn gall comparing herself to the average American.
She claims they were heavily in debt (well there were a lot of lawsuits and investigations under them that they caused themselves with Bill’s scandals.) and had mortgages to pay on houses (note plural) and had Chelsea’s education to pay for ,etc. What a liar and bamboozler and these people like Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts swallow everything she says hook line and sinker.
She also says that Benghazi qualifies her to be president WHAT??????
Her role in the Benghazi controversy is no reason she shouldn’t run for president, Hillary Clinton told ABC News’ Diane Sawyer in an interview aired Monday. On the contrary, she said, it’s the very reason she should run.
The former secretary of state under President Barack Obama told Sawyer she views the continuing controversy as a diversion from the work Congress should be doing.
“Actually, it’s more of a reason to run, because I do not believe our great country should be playing minor-league ball. We ought to be in the majors,” Clinton said in a portion of the interview, aired on ABC’s “World News Tonight.”
“I view this as really apart from – even a diversion from – the hard work that the Congress should be doing about the problems facing our country and the world,” she said.
Clinton told Sawyer that as head of the State Department at the time, she takes responsibility for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, but added that she did not have the expertise to make decisions such as where walls should be secured against bombings.
If she didn’t have the expertise then she shouldn’t be in that job just like Obama has no business being in his job with no experience. This is called shirking responsibility and sweeping it under the rug. She’s taking lessons from Obama in shirking responsibility while taking blame for it in hoping it would go away. I agree with the comments below that she’s delusional from the bump on the head when she had that fall and her own quest for power and her own narcissism.
Hilllary has since back tracked on her statement saying :”Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was forced to explain — and recast — what she meant when she complained of her family’s financial struggles after leaving the White House.
The subject was broached on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” when host Robin Roberts asked Mrs. Clinton if she could understand America’s head-scratching reaction to her claim that the Clintons were “dead broke” upon leaving the White House and needed to hit the lucative speaking circuit to build their bank accounts.
“Yes I can, but everything in life has to be put into context,” she said, The Hill reported. “As I recall, we were something like $12 million in debt.”
Mrs. Clinton then recalled how her husband, former President Bill Clinton, had been born into poverty and had to work hard for his money and career advancements, all the while paying off student loans, The Hill reported.
“We understand what that struggle is because we had student debts — both of us — we had to pay off, we had to work, I had a couple jobs in law school, he had lots of jobs,” Mrs. Clinton told ABC. “We have a life experience clearly different in very dramatic ways from every American, but we also have gone through a lot of the same challenges as many people have.”
On Monday night, to ABC News, she said: “We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt. We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.”
Her speaking fees sometimes hit the $200,000 level, while Bill Clinton routinely pockets $500,000 per 45-minute pep talk.
I think she’s delusional. Maybe she needs a ride in a nice happy wagon to a happy-happy place where they wear white coats and make sure you take your medications on time.
It was that bonk on the head that started her delusions
denpal Krazeehors • 3 hours ago
She said she was responsible, then shouldn’t she be paying a price? I love it when someone says they are responsible but they don’t suffer any consequences. Just empty words, just like her, an empty pants suit.
Hillary: Benghazi Makes Me Qualified
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