
Poverty of the Perfect

By Michael J. Lewinski 12/31/13

A life of poverty is not the legacy any parent would willfully choose for their offspring. Yet, for our generation, such an outcome has become the default option. With the deliberate exporting of U. S. industry and the financialization of the economy, our national economy has been transformed into a business model that is detrimental to the well-being of working and middle class Americans.

Discarding the moral restraints of an ethical approach to business while embracing an indifference to the diminished standard of living and loss of economic opportunities for average Americans, an ever growing class of Crony Capitalists and incompetent politicians have sucked the life out of main-street. Enabled by government and its’ attendant institutions, the too big to fail unjustly prosper while the real creators of wealth suffer. Funneling wealth to the well connected through the Federal Reserve, an amoral oligarchy could care less about the destruction of the American economy.

Beyond the damage Crony Capitalists have been inflicting on the economy, our youth’s future is continuously being imperiled by wrong headed government policies that discourage the creation of the nation’s wealth. Through a stifling regulatory regime, capital diminishing taxes, and dependency generating social policies, a Progressive elite of central planners destroy jobs and undermine the entrepreneurial spirit in the name of an elusive, unattainable economic and social justice.

In a mad dash for the perfect, central planners, devoid of any practical experience in the world of business, and often in life itself, seeks to micro-manage the economy and the national life with a vast bureaucracy charged with every manner of idealistic goals and objectives while completely ignoring the expansion and growth of the economy. Harboring a great disdain for the common man, and loathing the results of free markets responding to the independent choices and actions of free people, Progressives are rapidly transforming a formerly productive, vibrant economy into a barren wasteland of reduced sustenance and opportunity for this generation, and even more-so, for the next.

Such is the default option for a distracted citizenry no longer behaving like Americans.

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One Comment

  1. I sure have to agree with you. I totally believe that “Progressive” is the train designed by Communist & destined to carry us to Socialism….and darned if the fractures in the GOP are helping fuel it!! From a pragmatic standpoint we best ‘get it together’ QUICK

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