Another Reason You’re a Racist
You gotta love the Daily Kos, where all the liberal fruitcakes find a welcome environment. Recently they ran a post entitled “You might be a racist if…..” and compiled a list of indicators that proves how white people dislike non-whites. The sad thing is, they’re serious. As a heart attack.
Some examples from the post–my own parenthetic snark has been added for comedic relief:
You are oblivious to “white privilege”. (Because all whites are born rich and get everything handed to them. I’m proof.)
You have to build your own compound in North Idaho because the rest of North Idaho is not “White” enough for you. (A true racist would live in South Idaho.)
You still insist president Obama is from Kenya. (This has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It says so on the Internet.)
You still refer to Mexicans as beaners. (I prefer wetbacks, actually.)
You think racism is a thing of the past OR that any brown person who objects to your lovely unkind generalization about brown people is themselves racist against white people — because unfortunately you are not sure what racism is. (Wow. That’s a lot of words in one sentence. You must have gone to college.)
You indicate “some of my best friends are . . .” (Retarded? Indian? Republican? This means nothing.)
You continually say, “I hate rap and hip hop. It’s not music.” (Oh, so if dislike something mainly performed by black people, that means I hate black people? This argument makes no sense.)
And now let’s add one more item to the list. If you enjoy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you might be a racist.
Some wetback school principal in Oregon–ooops, I’m sorry, a Mexican-American school principal in Oregon–came up with this one.
I’ll tell ya….I cannot put into my own words what Verenice Gutierrez, the principal at Harvey Scott K-8 School, says, so I’m just going to quote a chunk of the article. To wit:
“Verenice Gutierrez picks up on the subtle language of racism every day.
Take the peanut butter sandwich, a seemingly innocent example a teacher used in a lesson last school year. ‘What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?’ says Gutierrez, principal at Harvey Scott K-8 School, a diverse school of 500 students in Northeast Portland’s Cully neighborhood. ‘Another way would be to say: “Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?” Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.’
Guitierrez, along with all of Portland Public Schools’ principals, will start the new school year off this week by drilling in on the language of ‘Courageous Conversations,’ the district-wide equity training being implemented in every building in phases during the past few years. Through intensive staff trainings, frequent staff meetings, classroom observations and other initiatives, the premise is that if educators can understand their own “white privilege,” then they can change their teaching practices to boost minority students’ performance.”
In other words, what you eat, whether you realize it or not, makes you a racist, and makes children cry.
(Also, in a continuing example of our crumbling education system, teachers have to learn how they themselves are awful for being white in order to properly teach the non-white. The future is in good hands!)
Now you know, you racist, peanut-butter eating cracker. Shame on you for being alive. I bet you use white bread, too. Typical. You should only use wheat bread to prove your racial sensitivity; either that or use torta. Or pita.
I’m not sure how much racism still exists in our country. The left keeps racism alive by telling us how racist we are depending on how we think or act, and there’s something wrong with that. Is it part of a thought-control effort, do they hate America, or are they just trying to get stuff?
So remember this list as you prepare for your day, and for God’s sake pack your peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a racially non-specific carrying container. Do not use a brown paper bag.
BRIAN DRAKE is a 20-year broadcast veteran in California and the author of The Rogue Gentleman, a thriller in the tradition of Vince Flynn and Brad Thor. Follow him on Twitter.
Brian, Oh Brian, How could you? I’ve worked for so long & hard to get this cardinal sin under control so that I could dally in more trivial issues like Illegal Immigration, balanced budgets, health care & feeding my family….And YOU drop this in my lap??? How can I possibly enjoy the cranberry jelly & turkey with this weighing on my mind!!!
It’s just too much for me to handle. What does it mean if I just eat peanut butter off of a spoon?
Thanks for brain break!!
I’m just trying to help everybody avoid problems so we keep everybody happy, because it’s not like the left will ever stop complaining….
Verenice Gutierrez Hates America, but you can bet your ass he loves that paycheck.