In The News

Dems outraise GOP for first time

For the first time this year, extreme left progressives have raised more money than moderate and conservative politicians.

The Democratic National Committee has narrowly edged its Republican rival in fundraising for the first time all year.

In a Sunday release, the Republican National Committee reported raising $7.1 million in September. Democrats on Friday reported a cash haul of nearly $7.4 million in September, while finishing the month with more than $5 million on hand.

Despite bringing in less money than democrats, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus tried to put a positive slant on the news by saying, “It’s because of the strong support of our donors that we are able to build a permanent ground operation and ensure a year-round presence in communities all across America.”

Realizing that the Democrats have had a solid focus on the banning of firearms, ammunition and accessories related to hunting and the shooting sports, this news should be alarming. Our current administration has signed the U.N. Arms treaty and several Democrat states have put oppressive bans in place. Hearing that large companies are funding the progressive agenda is what sends up the red flags – it may take a grass roots movement if there is to be  hope to save the right to own a firearm.

The scandals in the NSA and IRS, failures in implementing Obamacare, the tragedy in Benghazi, the endless and misguided military presence in Afghanistan, an economic recovery that is leaving more people on disability, unemployment and the street than ever before .. and the party in power is still able to raise gobs of money.

It would seem that progressives are indeed VERY happy with the direction the country is headed in.




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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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