Nevada: American Veteran Cuts Down Mexican Flag Flying Above American Flag
What a disgrace! God bless Jim Brossard! Thank you for your service, sir!
YouTube Description:
US Veteran Jim Brossard responded to a Mexican business disrespecting the American flag by cutting the flags down and taking the American flag home with him. This video was once viewed hundreds of thousands of times on ALIPAC’s YouTube account before it was hacked.
Please help us restore this video to the web by posting links in, making comments, voting thumbs up, and sharing this video with others.
Join the fight against illegal immigration and against amnesty with Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) at
From the ALIPAC Website:
ALIPAC’s YouTube account once received more than 30,000 views per day as the largest collection of often unique videos related to illegal immigration. Then Google, Inc. handed the keys to our account to an activist or had one of their own employees hack our account and scrub all of our videos from the web.
Despite numerous attempts to reach Google from ALIPAC and Congressional offices, they remained silent and refused to help us restore our deleted videos, many of which had thousands of links coming into them built by activists and media sources like CBS and Fox News!
Now, many of these videos can hardly be found, if at all, on the web!
We figure that if the amnesty pushing Globalists hated ALIPAC’s videos so badly, there must be a reason so…
We are relaunching many of the videos! Please help us start with this first one….
Even if you have seen this one before, please watch the video, make a comment, vote it thumbs up, and share it with others by email and social media! Each Friday we are going to reload one of our past most popular videos that Globalists do not want America to see!
Good to keep these vids in the forefront. Get fired up, America! Fight for your country!
And God Bless you, Mr. Brossard, for all that you’ve done for our country and continue doing.