Famed singer butchers anthem at gay pride event
That is exactly what she did during an appalling rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner to begin a gay pride gathering in New York City recently. Not only did she change the words — and meaning — of the anthem just days before Independence Day, she held firmly to a rainbow flag all the while. Apparently making a reference to the recognizable symbol of homosexual culture, Gaga’s performance swapped “flag of pride” for “banner” in the song’s penultimate line. The most egregious edit came at the very end, though, when she described her vision of America: “O’re the land of the free,” she continued, “and the home for the gay?”
Homosexual activists have rightly been very celebratory in light of recent Supreme Court decisions in their favor. Though I wholeheartedly disagree with the redefinition of marriage, I understand much of this nation is on board with these changes and have an absolute right to speak out in their defense. When one of the cause’s most prominent voices rewrites the National Anthem to uphold a position many find immoral, though, it is incumbent on the rest of us to hold her accountable.
There is no question many in the movement do not want mere equality for gays — which they have had all along — but superiority. Gaga’s irresponsible performance proved just that by admitting she sees a “home for the gay” at the apparent exclusion of everyone else. Should any other group — especially one heavily populated by either whites or Christians — dare use patriotic sentiment to champion a separatist cause, its members would be mercilessly and justifiably chastised. When the otherwise unpardonable act is perpetrated on behalf of the influential homosexual lobby, however, one struggles to hear even the hint of disapproval from major media.
Lady Gaga, by her name alone, is a moron. She, and others like her, should be forced to live in the Middle East for a few years so that when they come back they will respect and love our country as our forefathers intended America to be respected and loved.