Obama Is No Patriot
This Memorial Day Obama gave the usual visit and speech and laid the wreath at at Arlington Cemetery that most presidents do, but in his case his speech about honoring our fallen heroes is just insincerity and words written by someone else in my humble opinion. In his speech, he said that Arlington “has always been home to men and women who are willing to give their all … to preserve and protect the land that we love.”He praised the selflessness that “beats in the hearts” of America’s uniformed military troops.
Ordinarily I would applaud such a speech from a person who loves America and all it stands for, but he has shown over and over that with him it’s only words to appease his followers. He is the most anti-American president we’ve ever had saying one thing while doing the exact opposite and blaming his predecessor or opposition. Surely it’s impossible that anything is his fault.
If he truly loved America he wouldn’t have gone on that Middle East apology tour calling us arrogant and dismissive towards them. He wouldn’t have apologized to Mexico for us imposing sovereignty on five western states on land he said originally belonged to them as they claim. If he loved America he wouldn’t have blamed us for the cause of all the violence in Mexico. If he loved America he wouldn’t have a government health plan that is all encompassing like Obamcare which the majority of people don’t want. If he loved America he wouldn’t remove the American flag from Air Force One and replace it with his own symbol.
He has no concept of our culture and history having grown up in Indonesia and raised by people who hate America. Both his father and grandfather called for the destruction of America. His background is very questionable and it has been proven he has a fake social security number and edited and photoshopped birth certificates and he is not a natural born citizen a required by the constitution since his father is from Indonesia with dual citizenship in Great Britain and only his mother is from here.
So on this Memorial Day I find any speeches by him about honoring our troops and heroes just false statements by a man who knows and appreciates nothing about our history and culture. Below are a few statements I found that ring so true and say it better than I can.
Want to know how much Obama cares about service men, He described Ft. Hood as a workplace violence, (the killed don’t even get a purple heart) and we, the taxpayers have now paid the Terrorist Hassan 278,000 in military pay. And we have 800.000 service disability claims waiting for approval, and taking OVER 2 years to approve. We are hiring 16,000 IRS agents to oversea Obamacare, and this gross neglect still going on. This is just a small sample of much he cares. Think of the warriors coming back, can’t work and having to wait that long for help from this government.
What happened in Germany and across Europe during Hitler’s time, was only because people were afraid to take a stand and the few that did were slaughtered in the concentration camps. Also because Europe needed a scapegoat to blame their problems on the parallel’s are so strikingly similar that it’s eerie. Last Time it was the Jewish People who were persecuted. This time around it will be the Christians. America has changed so much that it would be very hard for our Founding Fathers to recognize the America for which they sacrificed everything. It shames me to look at our brave service Men & Women and think to myself what they think about us throwing away the very rights that they paid dearly for. May God Bless Our Brave Service Men & Women and All of our Veterans and those families who stand behind them, America would not be what it is now without their undying love for Liberty and the sacrifice of so many Patriots
Our problem is that Obama’s administration is helping the illegals invading our country and breaking our laws. Our government is allowing illegals to vote and encourages them to do so . We are sure that the new voting stations are not void of corruption after all we have heard that George Soros has something to do with the voting machines, I would not trust that man for anything as he helped Obama lie his way into the White house with the help of the Democrats and foreign governments . The Democrats and some Republicans are trying to force Amnesty down our throats whether we want it or not, and most do not want it. The Hollywood people are die heard Democrats and will vote and say anything Obama or his thugs in charge want them to say.
Obama and the Democrat and some Republicans are killing our freedom throwing away our Constitution and our Law of the land. We have BIG BROTHER monitoring what we are doing around every corner of this country. We might as well be living in a Muslim / Communist country because that is what America is turning into. Thank Obama for accelerating the decay of America for that has been his purpose in life, the take down of America and her legal citizens.
• That’s the problem with obalmer, he is a great orator, but a flaming COWARD! and FAILURE! who’s time has come and who’s time is to go, away! He had a good talk, but a very weak walk, and he has all used up the racists card, cause we now know he is an empty suit! He is not half white, and half black, but totally yellow, as in cowardly, and has never taken responsibility for his failures, and totally reckless spending practices!
Poll: Majority Oppose Obamacare
Half of America wants Obama impeached (only half?)
YouTube – “Freedom’s Not Free” The Rivoli Revue
Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American … (Tobey Keith with the troops)
Yes and the majority of us feel this way and talk about it daily with fellow patriots. So when are we going to impeach this anti-American illegal bastard and undo all the harm he has done to our country? It is definitely past time for his ass to be gone!
He should have been impeached long ago. Especially after that apology tour in Europe. America is a strong country because we stand united and we have always backed Israel. We need to get this coward out of office and soon because he is destroying us from the inside out.
@Klasnman cancervativebychoice, Racist Ruth, a-hole Jim Clayton, you are NOT Patriots, you are in fact, bigots, extermists, and Racists that can’t stand having a black man as President!
First, you spouting that BS about Obama’s “apology tour” where he supposedly groveled and begged forgiveness for America being the rockingest badass in the world, or something. Rand Paul wants a different branch to apologize. To a company. For asking it about how it avoids taxes. Obama offered NO apology. There was NO “apology tour” you are just Pissed that there is a black man as Presieent and there is a President that doesn’t go around saying the “america kicks the ass out of every other country in the world!” According to your sick mind, If Obama doesn’t go around telling the World “We are better than you in every way”, He’s apologizing to America. God you are sick.
The whole thing is really stupid, because it is like someone who works in a VA giving conservative veterans a hard time and blaming Obama. I guess that it never occured to some people that certain groups should be looked at more closely since the circus which is the SC decided that corporations have the same rights as people and people can dump crazy money into the political ring without disclosure. I mean do any of you really think that carl rove gives a damn about the American people and that his conservative pacs are helping anyone?
Since the election of President Barack Obama, followed by the emergence of the ultra-conservative Tea Party, the so-called conservative movement has quickly evolved into an extremist ideology – a fact-free zone where emotions have replaced reason. Emotions like fear, anger, hate, and greed – none of which have any logical basis. Every single day there are millions of right-wingers hating, distorting, maligning an Obama law or policy or tying the President to every scandal under the sun. At this very moment, there is an ignorant right winger ranting about his taxes going to assist the so-called “lazy” poor, or screaming about paying for healthcare coverage that includes birth control for so-called “sluts”, or promoting anti-immigrant paranoia against so called “criminals” who are here illegally – all this while STILL, till this day, there are those insisting that the President’s birth certificate is a forgery.
This President has been a target of hate-filled narratives for the last five years. Some of the prize winners include an anti-white conspiracy being perpetrated by America’s first black President, or Obama sympathizes with Muslim terrorists, or Obama is a communist who wants to institute death panels and touch off class warfare. Here’s a real dandy since it is Memorial Day after all – Obama hates our men and women in the military. Does any thinking person really believe that?
This is all just nonsense. It is hard to take anything said by the republicans seriously anymore.
They have a giant “fake” scandal machine running all the time and it never stops. Obama is NOT a muslim. He wasn’t born in Kenya. He was not sworn in on the Quran. He did not remove the American flag from Air force one.
Since when is apologizing a crime? Barack Obama is no more a dictator, illegal, a coward or anti-American than George W. Bush.
He is not a Black panther. he’s not a traitor. His trip to India did not cost 200 million a day. He is not a communist/socialist/ Narcissist/Marxist…and he does not hate America.
Please give it up and admit the reason why you don’t like him is because you don’t like his skin color!
First of all we are not racists just because we disagree with Obama so stop using the race card with people who disagree with him. He’s not totally black anyway,but bi-racial. I happen to support several black candidates such as Allen West and Herman Caine and Condoleeza Rice amongst others.
Obama has said he would side with the muslims and that is just what he is doing. He gave the muslim brotherhood 14 F-16 jets and 400 Abrams tanks free of charge.even though they swore to destroy Isreal.He told the troops to stand down rather than have them go in during the Bengahzi attack since he is commander in chief and only the CIC can give that order and could have saved those people.
As far as his birth certificate is concerned,he showed three different versions of it.One was a certificate of live birth that a parent gets when their child is born overseas and the other two were proven to be photoshopped versions from his half brothers. An Hawaiian official has recently come out and said there are no records of a birth certificate in Hawaii. Kenyan officials have produced a birth certificate of him from Mombasa Hospital in Kenya.
The so called “death panels” are panels made up of 15 members that your doctor will have to refer to before seeing if you can get a procedure or not. They are being formed now. Obamacare is based on cost effectiveness vs.average life span to see who gets what procedure and who doesn’t.
Everything that comes out of his mouth is lie and he is telling our enemies everything they need to hear to do exactly what to do when to do it to distroy Our USA. He is a Muslim and he and his wife hate us and want this country to be Muslim and everyday it seems to be getting that way more and more and all the idiots who voted him in are blind to fact that this wonderful country is no longer alive and well and our freedoms are no longer available for us. His father and stepfather both muslims called for the destruction of America.Obama is incapable of telling the truth. Lies are what we have come to expect from the Obama White House.
Everything that comes out of his mouth is lie and he telling our enemies everything they need to hear to do exactly what to do when to do it to distroy Our USA. He is a Muslim and he and his wife hate us and want this country to be Muslim and everyday it seems to be getting that way more and more and all the idiots who voted him in are blind to fact that this wonderful country is no longer alive and well and our freedoms are no longer available for us. Now they are using the IRS against citizens and the media to intimidate them and censor what theyr write. His BS spins are becoming more unbelievable as time goes on. His voting sector doesn’t care as long as they continue getting food stamps and other outrageous benefits.
And do take a look at Air Force One and you will see his symbol on the rear tail.
thanks for proving my point. You are a racist ANd a bigot AND an extremist!
No doubt about it! Anyone who hates this man IS a racist AND a bigot AND a black hating extremist!
Imagine how much better we would be doing if we didn’t have the GOP dragging behind us as an anchor. If they had actually tried to govern, instead of just trying to destroy the economy to try to hurt Barack, then we would be in much better shape. The economy is growing and unemployment is down, in spite of the GOP trying to stop it, simply because they don’t like the man.
The nerve of this bullheaded, fact-ducking simpleton to sit in front of her Microsoft Word and have the gall to suggest Obama is either a liar or incompetent. Someone much smarter than she is at that — not to mention a man who stuck around his job versus quitting his mid-way through.
Left out of this equation was the obvious reality that the Republicans remain determined to destroy Obama’s presidency and that the National Rifle Association won’t let anyone pry Congress from its cold dead hand.
There’s no reason to think Obama is gay. Since he’s a liberal, he would not likely have bothered closeting himself if he were, which he is NOT!
it’s undeniable that racism lurks beneath so many of the preposterously false charges against him — that this son of Hawaii wasn’t really born in the United States, that he is a secret Muslim who “hates America,” that he’s animated by a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview. Within the African-American community, his persistent emphasis on responsible fatherhood, a key theme of his recent commencement address at Morehouse College, is sometimes cast as a way of pandering to white prejudice by hectoring a community to which he owes a large and still unpaid political debt.
this type of hateful garbage is indicative of a bigger picture. Since the election of President Barack Obama, followed by the emergence of the ultra-conservative Tea Party, the so-called conservative movement has quickly evolved into an extremist ideology – a fact-free zone where emotions have replaced reason. Emotions like fear, anger, hate, and greed – none of which have any logical basis. Every single day there are millions of right-wingers hating, distorting, maligning an Obama law or policy or tying the President to every scandal under the sun. At this very moment, there is an ignorant right winger ranting about his taxes going to assist the so-called “lazy” poor, or screaming about paying for healthcare coverage that includes birth control for so-called “sluts”, or promoting anti-immigrant paranoia against so called “criminals” who are here illegally – all this while STILL, till this day, there are those insisting that the President’s birth certificate is a forgery.
This President has been a target of hate-filled narratives for the last five years. Some of the prize winners include an anti-white conspiracy being perpetrated by America’s first black President, or Obama sympathizes with Muslim terrorists, or Obama is a communist who wants to institute death panels and touch off class warfare. Here’s a real dandy since it is Memorial Day after all – Obama hates our men and women in the military. Does any thinking person really believe that?
So just how extreme and out of touch with reality is today’s conservative movement? They have a fanatical focus with the U.S Constitution that they claim is “under attack” by President Obama. They are so paranoid that it’s under attack that they have become delusional. They are convinced that President Obama and the Democrats are tyrants, Socialists, Communists, and Marxists – in no particular order – who want to take your guns, property, and liberties away. However, they cede the country hasn’t reached that point yet. They believe that America is still under a “soft tyranny” and there is still time to save the country – that is if only we can get rid of that Muslim Socialist in the White House. As for the Constitution, right wingers please take note: Yes, the Constitution guarantees citizens the right to equal opportunities to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – but not to a rigged system where the rich have been getting richer on the backs of the poor and middle-class since the days of Ronald Reagan.
Between what they are being fed by right-wing politicians, talk radio, and Fox News, conservatives have allowed themselves to be turned into misinformed, angry, and irrational tools. They equate American patriotism to being racist and xenophobic (Obama is a Muslim!); they equate tradition to being intolerant of other cultures; proud achievement to greed is good; women’s rights to remaining barefoot and pregnant and transvaginal ultrasounds; and if you are unemployed and poor – that becomes grounds for laziness and dehumanization.
The right’s latest attempt is hiding behind actual black
conservatives like Allen West, Herman Cain, etc. But these CONS are only using
them as scapegoats and shields to hide their racism behind, but to mention they
like them because they think like white conservatives, thus given the name
“House Negro” or “Uncle Tom” because they believe if blacks
don’t think like them, that means they want to be slaves to the government forever.
Obama is a legitimately elected president–two solid majorities of both electoral and popular votes. He was born in Hawaii, proven fact. He is a Christian. He’s no more evil than any other politician, a lot less evil than some I could mention. He is not trying to ‘destroy America’ unless your definition of ‘destroy America’ is to have a Democrat in the White House. He is not a marxist or a socialist or a communist or a fascist, he is not a terrorist, he is not a traitor and the people who use these words are only showing very clearly that they have no idea what the words actually mean! He does not hate white people.
It’s no mystery here that I’ve been critical of many of Obama’s policies, however, I have spoken out when he has been unfairly characterized or treated by the right-wing media or absurd wing-nuts (some of whom post on this blog) in a variety of ways which contradict each other, and NONE of which Obama is: Liberal, Marxist, Communist, Socialist, A Muslim, anti-American, not American, gay, traitor, Usurper, an Enemy of America, a Racist, a Narcissist, a Liar, and on and on. In an alphabet of lies from the right I posted, I’ve said this fact once, I’ll say it again. The only reason the party of hypocritical louts choose to call Barack Obama a Marxist, Communist, Muslim is for the sole purpose that they cannot call him what they really want to call him, and that is NIGGER!
It’s easy to see that zaman doesn’t know what he is talking about. I don’t know of any conservative who “hates” Obama personally, I do hate his Socialist ideology and policies. Obama cares nothing for our Constitution; Article I, Section 8, list only 17 powers enumerated in our Constitution, and Obama’s policies aren’t among them.
Obama gay? yes, why would he have a lifetime membership at the largest gay bathhouse in Chicago, like Rhom Emmanuel? Look at Obama’s pics riding his girlie bicyle, his throwing the baseball, playing golf,Obama has feminine characteristics.
Three of Obama’s birth certificates have been proven fakes, his own grandmother said she whatched him being born in Kenya.
There’s even an article out today that 25% of Ohio’s voters (for Obama) do not exist; Obama stole the election.
There is even evidense that Obama and MO lost their law licenses…
Obama said “my Muslim faith” on one of the talk shows during his first campaining, Obama has Muslims with terrorist ties in his administration; Obama had Americans killed, remember Benghazi? Remember Fast and Furious when Obama and Holder was gun running to the Mexican drug cartel and was instrumental in the murdering of hundres of Mexicans and an American border patrol agent?
On another note, why would you want to pay for illegal aliens healthcare when you can’t afford to pay for healthcare insurance for you and your family. You sound like you’re on government welfare now.
Remember when Obama was a state senator, voting three times to allow born babies from failed abortions to die? Obama is called the “infanticide president” for nothing. The KKK (which was created by the democrats) laugh, Obama has allowed more black people -by abortion- to be killed than the KKK ever dreamed of.
Seventy-nine percent of all abortion mills are located in minority neighborhoods. Black womem make up no more than 8% of the total black population, yet 34% of all abortions are performed on black women.
Obama has blood on his hands in more than one instance, over 4000 babies a DAY die by abortion. And you are really proud of your master Obama?
Where do you get the balls to call Conservatives haters, there is more hate in your comments than I have ever seen. Then again I don’t read Liberal blogs which are full of hate.
ZaMan, Your problem is you can’t handle the truth, along with every other Lib.
The Obama campaign logo is not on Air Force One. It was on a plane that the Obama Campaign purchased from US Air. The flag that was on the tail was part of the company’s logo. Putting his campaign on the campaign plane identified the plane as Obama’s and not American Airline’s. John McCain altered the appearance of his campaign plane as well. I don’t want to go through the rest of the nonsense, but we can correct this right now. Obama did not remove the American flag from Air Force One. Say it slowly, and dial back your rage accordingly.
That’s as predictable and cliché as you can get. Nothing but regurgitated democrat talking points and progressive propaganda.
I think you qualified for the Goebbles Prize for repeating the highest percentage of leftist “buzzwords” in a mindless diatribe.
In my origianl blog here I stated Obama replaced the American flag on Air Force One with his own logo. This is incorrect as it was a different plane his campign had and not Air Force One.I sincerely apologize and regret my error.