Keeping Freedom of the Press
Standing with Fox News
Across the dial reporters are speaking out about the invasion of privacy the Department of Justice perpetrated against a Fox Investigative reporter James Rosen and the Fox News Network. This news comes less than a week after the AP reported that their phone records had been seized by the DoJ.
At long last, reporters are seeing that the DoJ, under Attorney General Eric Holder, has pushed an agenda that is involved in spying and cover up. This is not new. But the realization by the left this administration is now investigating and watching journalists appears to be the final straw.
From Keith Olbermann to Chuck Todd, across the country journalists on both sides are standing with FNC and Rosen.
The heretofore antithesis of FNC NBC News broke the story today that Holder had, in fact, signed off on the search warrant against the FNC reporter.
Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on a controversial search warrant that identified Fox News reporter James Rosen as a “possible co-conspirator” in violations of the Espionage Act and authorized seizure of his private emails, a law enforcement official told NBC News on Thursday.
The disclosure of the attorney general’s role came as President Barack Obama, in a major speech on his counter-terrorism policy, said Holder had agreed to review Justice Department guidelines governing investigations that involve journalists.
From the Washington Post a memo sent by Fox News Chief Roger Ailes:
We reject the government’s efforts to criminalize the pursuit of investigative journalism and falsely characterize a Fox News reporter to a Federal judge as a “co-conspirator” in a crime. I know how concerned you are because so many of you have asked me: why should the government make me afraid to use a work phone or email account to gather news or even call a friend or family member? Well, they shouldn’t have done it. The administration’s attempt to intimidate Fox News and its
employees will not succeed and their excuses will stand neither the test of law, the test of decency, nor the test of time. We will not allow a climate of press intimidation, unseen since the McCarthy era, to frighten any of us away from the truth.
CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson, while not pointing fingers, yet, did state this week that her personal and work computers have been hacked and are under investigation.
Politico reports: “I can confirm that an intrusion of my computers has been under some investigation on my end for some months but I’m not prepared to make an allegation against a specific entity today as I’ve been patient and methodical about this matter,” Attkisson told POLITICO. “I need to check with my attorney and CBS to get their recommendations on info we make public.”
In an earlier interview with WPHT Philadelphia, Attkisson said that though she did not know the full details of the intrustion, “there could be some relationship between these things and what’s happened to James [Rosen],” the Fox News reporter who became the subject of a Justice Dept. investigation after reporting on CIA intelligence about North Korea in 2009.
As you watch the news clip below, be reminded that this administration was involved in leaking personal emails of General Petraeus which resulted in his resignation. In addition, AG Holder refused to accept responsibility for the Fast and Furious debacle which occurred under his watch and resulted in deaths of US agents, numerous Mexican citizens and a multitude of weapons released across the border in a botched effort to control drug smuggling.
This afternoon, even the Huffington Post is seeing the danger of a government that uses underhanded methods to quelch both investigative reporters and their whistle blower sources.
Today’s bold headline at HuffPo loudly proclaims, “Time to Go”.
Many, especially those born post Soviet Union, don’t realize the significance when a government limits the news. A free press investigating and with the ability to tell citizens the truth is a critical part of our open society.
Keeping freedom of the press should have been something that was discussed years ago, before the journalist and their bosses sold out to the liberal/progressive movement. The press lost it’s freedom when it became the lapdog of the liberal government. If the MSM is looking for sympathy over this last scandal, they can look it up in the dictionary.